Chapter 11: Love Can Move Mountains

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Gerald has a hard time adjusting to the new set up he and Sarah agreed upon.  Imagine, he  cannot get close to her while they are in the studio; they can’t even look at each other; nor say hi or even say simple hello with each other.   It’s too drastic, even our followers will not accept the drama they are concocting.  Imagine in just a matter of days, they turn off our emotions, as if we’re back to the time when we don’t even know each other nor have been paired with one another.  I can’t take this much longer, we have to think of other way so we can at least see other every day.  Imagine, everywhere I go, I have to be with my handler or PA.  What is this? 

God Why is this happening to us? to me?   We are just establishing our  relationship after  she entrust her heart to  me.  She has  learned to be more vocal to her feelings, and now this.  I remembered the time when I have to guess what she feels but I truly like it when she uses her music to make me feel how much she cares for me.  I remember how she said she loves me too.. using Juris song "If You and Me" , being a secretive person, she can express in words her feelings.  It really make me smile.   Lord, please do help us find the way out of this drama our management is dicdating us to do.

Then a notice from Jollibee management reminding him of his participation in the fansday sponsored by the company; wow, our savior, he then texted her, asking where she was and greeted her... the usual way with emoticon of kissing lips.   He was waiting for her to text back when he notice his brother, signaling him to come to him, then he gave him his iphone and heard her voice:  Good morning my babe, saw her smiling face in the  monitor.  Babe, what, and why that face, please smile my baby boy.  Gerald grinned at her, she is really so cute, Love you Baby Girl, and then kiss the monitor.  She heard her giggling, where are you babe, can I see you.  Babe, I miss you too, Sarah said, but if will be impossible for me to see you today, am here now at Batangas with Tita Gov. Vi.  We are taping the Sige Go segment at the governor’s office.  We will be back in Manila tomorrow. 

Gerald had an idea, Babe, it will only take me two and one-half hours to reach Batangas, is Luis with you, can I speak with him to discuss how we can meet without your Viva staff seeing us.  Okay babe, Sarah looking around and saw Luis talking with his Mom; let me look for Luis, ohh here he is.  While waiting for Luis, Sarah said to him “Love you, you have to change your phone so we can talk real time.  You can get your unit at Globe, Babe”  

Okay here’s Luis; giving the phone to Luis.  Hey Bro, what’s up?  Yah I know and I felt for you.  Okay I’ll call you; I’ll make the arrangement with my Mom, call you later.  Luis then looked at Sarah, if it will okay, and she nodded, and say thank you.  Together they went to his Mom.  Gov. Vilma:  Hello Sarah, are you comfortable? If you want to eat, I requested for food to be prepared for all of you.  Son, please take care of Sarah.  Mom, can we talk with you in private.  So they went inside her office.

Luis told his Mom about Gerald’s request if he can have some private moment with Sarah away from the prying eyes of everyone.  They told her about the situation; which surprised Gov. Vi about the medieval treatment done to the young couple.  She said she will help them and invited Sarah to stay in their house.  She asked if her handler, Ate Ana, is in cahoots with the idea or can she be trusted, presuming that they will not allow Sarah to go to her house unchaperoned.  Sarah said; Ate Ana’s sentiment is with her.  Gov. Vi sympathized with the young couple, so she promise to look into the situation and will make necessary consultation with the top management.  She couldn’t believe that such arrangement still existed in the present time. 

A TIME FOR USTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon