Back Again

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"Last call!" I yelled out over the nearly ear deafening music while simultaneously  reaching up to ring the bell which would signal the last call for drinks at my family's bar and tavern in Sudbury Massachusetts.
"But I just got here!" Scott Evans (brother of the infamous Chris Evans) threw me a wide grin as he slid into the bar stool opposite me.
"Scott!" I groaned as I wiped down the bar with a rag before tossing a coaster in front of him. "What do you want?" I sighed.
"Oh you know the usual. Blue moon with a side of therapy."

Laughing I prepped his drink. "I thought you were headed back to New York."

"Not yet. I thought you weren't working here anymore!" He eyed me.
Ok let me back up. I'm not usually found bartending at the Tarven my family owns. No, my 9-5 job is that of a paralegal at a prestigious law firm about 20 minutes outside of Boston. However my family owns and operates one of the busiest bars and taverns in Sudbury, The Sleeping Moon. Weekends are almost always guaranteed to be slammed and lately more often than not I find myself here at the bar lending a hand.
"One of the bartenders called out." I shrugged. "Trust me it's been a long week." I pulled my carmel brown tresses off my neck before setting them free as they fell right back into the stylish lob gracing my shoulders.
"Well lucky for you I've got nowhere to be, so I'll keep you company."
I've known Scott since high school. We didn't become friends into our early 20's when he started to frequent my families bar and I was bartending/waitressing my way through college. Of course I knew and remembered his brother Chris and we too had become friends. In fact, I had become friends with his whole family. Chris and I have a...unique relationship. One night years ago (before he was a household name I might add) we were hanging out at The Sleeping Moon after closing time, just him and I. We had a little too much to drink and ended up making out. Since that night whenever we are together and both single (sometimes not) we become somewhat of a friends with benefits situation. Except not all benefits. We have never slept together, let me make that clear. But pretty much everything else had been no holds bar. I've always been ok with it. Until a few years ago I thought maybe I was beginning to have feelings for him. And then his career had really blown up. The last time I saw him was almost a year ago and he had a girlfriend. So, whatever I thought I was feeling I pushed to the back of my mind and moved on.

An hour later I double checked that the bar door was locked behind the last customer to leave. Scott still sat on his bar stool but pitched in to help me clean up as I went along.

"Uh oh. Guess who's back" Scott looked at his phone before shoving it back into his pocket. "Back again....Chris is back. Tell a friend." He laughed at himself.
My heart flip flopped as I paused frozen in step. "He's in Boston?"
"Yes. And flying solo I might add."
"So." I shrugged but my voice caught in my throat.
"Please Bree don't try to lie to my face. I've watched the 2 of you go back and forth for 10 years now."
"I'm seeing someone."
"No you're not." Scott dismissed the thought with a wave of his hand.
Someone banging on the bar door caused me to jump. "We're closed." I called without turning around.
"Please." On the other side of the door stood Chris Evans, a puppy dog eyed pout on his face as he begged to come in.
I couldn't help but grin, "Sorry pal we're closed." I repeated.
"Ah come on. What's he doing in there?!" Chris pointed to Scott who just waved.
"He's the new help!" I laughed but came back to unlock the door.
"BREELAN LOCKWOOD!" Chris picked me up and spun me around. "You're the most gorgeous girl in Boston. Did anyone ever tell you that?"
"Just on a daily basis." I giggled.

"Ok boys. It's 1:30. I'm exhausted." I tried my best to not sound whiny.
"I was going to make sure you got home ok but since my cooler, older brother decided to show up, I'll allow him to do the honors." Scott stood up and threw a $20 bill on the bar.
"Your money is no good here." I pushed the money back to him. "Plus, I've already closed out the till." I flashed a sarcastic smile.
"Keep it as a tip." He winked before leaning across the bar and kissing my cheek. "Get my favorite bar tender home safely." Scott called to Chris as he unlocked the bar door and disappeared out into the night.
I laughed at Scott before facing Chris. "You do not need to make sure I get home ok." I turned the lights in the bar off before heading to the back office to grab my belongings.
"You know that I will." Chris waited for me at the end of the bar as I set the alarm and then he followed me out standing next to me as I locked the bar door.
"What? Are you gonna follow me home?" I wanted to know with a raise of an eyebrow. It was the middle of August and muggy for a Boston evening.
"I can give you a ride."
"And what about my car?" I chewed on my lip leaning back against the wall.
"I'll take you tomorrow to get it." He offered.
I shook my head with a laugh. "I can drive myself home. But thanks for the offer."
"Oh come on Bree." He stepped closer to me dipping his head down his body pressed against mine as his lips brushed across mine gently. Immediately I responded - he tasted like scotch and mint but then I turned my head, "No."
"No?" Chris repeated sounding a bit shocked.
"Well yes, but no." I shook my head.
"Bree you're confusing me." He took advantage of my head being turned and slowly kissed down my neck.
"I'm seeing someone." I spat out.
"Oh." Chris stopped and straightened up. "I'm sorry. I didn' it serious?"
Looking up into Chris's deep blue eyes I couldn't lie "Ughhhh I'm not seeing anyone."
"What?" Chris looked confused and then laughed. "Were you drinking on the job?"
"How long are you in town for?" I pushed myself up from the wall and started walking towards the parking lot.
"Few months or longer. I'm taking some time off."
"Oh." I hit the key-less remote to unlock the doors to my black Mazda.
"Let me drive you home." He kicked some gravel with his foot.
"Chris I drive home alone practically every weekend. I live less than 15 minutes away."
"I know. But I've missed you. Please Bree. I'll bring you back in the morning."
I studied his face for a moment debating before deciding to let him take me home.
We got back to my charming 2-bedroom 1 bath cottage that, with my father's help, I had completely renovated bringing it from a fixer-upper to a dream home. (Well maybe not dream home exactly but it was perfect for me.)
Chris walked me to the door hesitating as I shoved my key in the lock and pushed the door open.
"You coming in?" I looked at him over my shoulder.
"Do you want me to come in?" He asked
"Do you want to come in?" I countered turning to face him.
Chris smiled. "Gosh I've missed you." He reached up sliding his hand through my hair and pulled my mouth to his.

We stumbled back into the dark foyer where being ever so graceful I tripped over a pair of running shoes I had left lying there approximately 6 hours earlier when I had gone for a run in between my day job and The Sleeping Moon. I almost took Chris down with me but he reached out with one hand to stabilize himself on the wall and the other to grab me around my waist so I didn't hit the ground.

Chris laughed as he switched the foyer light on. "You ok?" He asked.

Ducking my head I nodded and bent down to move the shoes.

"I knew you liked me, but I didn't know you were falling that hard for me." Chris grinned before cracking up at his own joke.

I kept a straight face as long as I could before laughing. "You're not that funny." I led the way into the living room flipping the lights on as I moved through the house.

"Yes I am. You laughed."

"I also laugh at spongebob because it's stupid." I stopped turning around to face him with a grin.

"You watch spongebob?" Chris asked seriously.

"Only when I am missing you." I smiled sweetly.

"Oh so that must be all the time then huh?" He licked his lips.

"You caught me. I miss you all the time. How do I ever survive when you're off playing superhero's with your friends?" I rolled my eyes sarcastically.

"What are you doing tomorrow?" He wanted to know.

"Running a 5K." I walked into the kitchen.


"No. I'm planning on doing nothing. Sunbathing at my parents pool probably."

"Want company?"

"Do you think Scott will be up for swimming?" I asked with a teasing smile.

"Ha ha. I mean I can invite Scott to, but you won't have as much fun with him as you can with me." He walked over to me and tugged on a lock of my hair.

"Fun." I raised my eyebrows.

"Yeah fun. We always have fun."

"Always." I agreed before letting out a huge yawn.

"Go to bed. I'll stop by tomorrow." He pulled me into a hug, gently pressing his lips to my forehead.

"Ok." I shut my eyes inhaling his musky scent quietly before he pulled back to look at me. "Good night." I walked him to the door

"Night Bree." He opened my front door and hopped down the front steps.

"Hey Chris" I pushed open the door.

"Yeah?" He turned back looking at me.

"I'm glad you're home." I smiled.

"Me to." He winked and gave me a sweet smile.

In The Wings (Chris Evans FanFic)✅Where stories live. Discover now