Me. You. Bed. Now.

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I sat down at my desk and glanced at the time on my computer screen. 8:05. Kirsten should have a few minutes before her 2nd graders came pouring in the doors of the classroom she teaches in. I scrolled through my phone till I found her number and hit send.

"Hey, I literally have 2 minutes." She answered.

"I slept with Chris last night."

"Ok. I have 5 minutes. Spill EVERYTHING."

I grinned and leaned back in my chair, "Well it was drunk and sloppy but, the best I've ever had hands down."

"Stop. You're serious?"

"Of course."

"How many times did you do it?"

"Once and then we fell asleep."

"He's huge I know it. He has to be."

"Kirsten!" I don't know why I'm always surprised at what comes out of her mouth. Everything is fair game.

"Well...." She waited.

"He's huge." I confirmed.

"I knew it!" She squealed.

"There's more."

"More? What's that mean?"

"He might have said he loved me."

"MIGHT? How does someone maybe say they love you?"
"Well we were in the middle of doing it. And he was really.....moving and he said something like damn I love you and then he finished and we fell asleep."

"I cannot believe you fell asleep. Have you talked to him yet today?"

"No, I mean besides saying goodbye and telling him to lockup when he left."

"How's he going to get home? Isn't his car still at his sisters?"

"Scotty will pick him up I'm sure."

"Maybe he'll stay in your bed all day- oh shit." She muttered, "Good Morning little loves!" I could hear the phone shuffle and then she lowered her voice, "Got to go. Call me later. Love you."

Chris called around 10:30 letting me know Scott did pick him up and he locked the house up when he left. I was rushing out to a meeting, so we didn't have a chance to talk. I got home at a  little past 5:15 but hadn't heard from Chris since earlier that morning. I wanted to call him, but I felt a little desperate. Maybe he did regret sleeping with me. I changed out of my work clothes and into yoga pants and a tank top. A nice run around the block would clear my head. I pulled my front door open and smiled. Chris was pulling into my driveway.

"Hi." I called from the porch as he climbed out of his car.

"Hi." He echoed back, a smile on his lips as he pulled his Sox hat down low to his eyes. "Going somewhere?"

"For a run."

"I can think of something a little more fun we can do for cardio." He raised an eyebrow at me.

I pushed my door back open as he skipped up the front steps.

Within seconds his hands were on my hips pulling me tight against him and he bent down kissing me deeply.

"I've been thinking about doing that all day." He murmured.

"You have?" I swallowed.

He nodded. "And a few other things." I let him push me back into my house shutting the door behind him.

"You won't need this." He jerked at the bottom hem of my tank top and then lifted it up over my head. I raised my arms with a smile as it slipped off.

"Come on." I curled my finger motioning him to follow me to my bedroom.

If I thought drunk sex with Chris was the best I ever had I was pleasantly surprised at sober sex. He was gentle, but a little rough, romantic, but a little dirty. And it was after 6 before we finally fell back onto my bed exhausted.

"You're like, really good at that." I pulled the blanket up to my chin.

"Do you see what I'm working with." He lifted the blanket to glance down at my naked body.

My cheeks flushed red and I turned on my side. "Do you remember last night?" I asked.

"Yeah, of course. Most of it anyway." He flashed me a charming grin.

"Do you remember what you said?" My eyes met his for a moment before I looked away.

"You mean the part where I said I love you?"

My eyes widened as they met his again, "Yeah." I replied softly.

"I remember." His pushed a stray piece of hair from my face his eyes studying me.

"Did you mean it?"

"I think a better way of putting it is I'm falling in love with you. Very quickly."

"We've only been dating like a week."

"True but I've known you for years Bree. And we've had a connection since day one. I've been an asshole and had no clue what I wanted at times. I've dated different girls but you are the constant. I always come back to you. You feel like home to me." He took my hand in his intertwining our fingers together.

"I do?" I whispered.

He nodded, "Does that freak you out?"

I shook my head no silently.

My phone ringing on the floor next to my pile of clothes interrupted us. I leaned over the side of the bed to answer it but Chris grabbed it from my hand once I sat back up.

"I don't feel like sharing you tonight." He held the phone out of my grasp and tossed it carefully behind him before pulling me into his arms and the sheets back up over us keeping us in our own little world.

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