I Love Us

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A/N : Thank you to everyone who has been along on this ride. It's coming to an end. But I love this story - it was fun writing it.  Anywho ~~ Enjoy!

Husband. I smiled. I was married. I looked over at Chris who was sitting on the couch with his feet propped up on the coffee table. He was on the phone, a business call. Dodger was laying practically in his lap.

"No, the details sound good." Chris said, "I'll just have to run the dates by my wife."

My grin grew bigger. I waited for Chris to end his call before running and jumping on the couch next to him startling Dodger in the process.

"Sorry boy." I cooed to the dog kissing him on his head before pushing him gently out of the way so I could occupy Chris's lap.

"Hi." Chris smiled.

"Hi." I echoed before leaning forward to kiss him softly.

"What's that for?" He asked.

"Just because I'm so in love with my husband." I replied sliding my arms around his neck.

"Are you? Lucky me." His hands slipped behind my back under my shirt.

"Come on Mr. Evans lets go to bed." I pushed myself up grabbing his hand.

"As you wish Mrs. Evans." He stood up and scooped me into his arms throwing me over his shoulder.

Married life was the best life.


7 Months Later.

I nervously peered at the test lying on the bathroom sink. The pregnancy test. 2 pink lines. Which I knew because I had taken 3 tests already. All stating the same thing. I was pregnant. We hadn't been actively trying. But we hadn't taken any precautions either. My hand slid down resting on my lower stomach and I smiled. Now it was time to tell Chris.

Chris had been in Los Angeles for work for over 2 weeks. In the 2 weeks he was gone the morning sickness had come on full force. I didn't want to tell him over the phone, so I had done my best to keep the secret till he was finally home. I hadn't told anyone that I was pregnant, and it was killing me because by my calculations I had to be close to 7 weeks. I had known for 2 weeks so far. Confirming it for sure the night Chris had left for L.A.

I had made a romantic dinner at home and had the whole evening planned. Chris arrived home right before 5:00 and I had the table set. But then the smell of the chicken made my stomach turn and I made a mad dash to the bathroom.

"Babe, you ok?" Chris's voice was full of concern as he stood at the bathroom door. "How long have you had a bug?" He handed me a wet washcloth and sat down on the edge of the bathtub behind me as I sunk on to the floor at the toilet.

"About 2 weeks." I wiped my face.

"2 Weeks?! Bree you need to see a doctor. Why didn't you tell me you haven't been feeling well? I would have come home sooner."

"I have a doctors appointment made."

"Ok good, when is it? You don't look good." He frowned.

"Gee thanks." I rolled my eyes.

"You know what I mean, I'm worried."

"Well....I doubt I'll be feeling better anytime soon."

"Why? What's wrong?"

"This isn't exactly how I planned on telling you." I moaned.

"Bree." Chris gave me a look.

"We're going to have a baby." I waited for his reaction.

He was quiet for a minute and I started to panic.

"You're telling me you're pregnant?" He asked.

I nodded silently.

Dropping to his knees in front of me he smiled widely. "I'm going to be a dad? And you're going to be a mom?"

I nodded again.

"Hell Yeah!!" He pumped his fist. He kissed the top of my head and pulled me to my feet grabbing me in his arms he squeezed tightly. When he finally released me he kissed my forehead and leaned back. Taking his hand he placed it on my abdomen. "We made a baby."

"We made a baby." I confirmed.

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