Chapter 9: Scratched?

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I ran to where the sound came from. Lori laid there, with a walker on top of her. My eyes widened as I took my pocket knife stabbing it in the head multiple times. I quickly took the walker off of her, and searched her body for scratches or bites. "You okay?" I asked her. She sighed "I don't think I'm bite, but I'm not sure if I got this scratch from the walker or not because it doesn't look new" She said pointing towards the scratch on her arm.

"I think you'll be okay, but definitely talk to Hershel about it" She nodded slightly. "You've defiantly grown up since this all happened" She smiled dusting herself off, getting off the ground. Before I had time to answer. Rick and Carl bolted out of the house. "What happened? Is anyone bit?" Rick asked us both. I shook my head and Lori shook her head as well, I guess she'll either tell Rick in private about the scratch or just not at all. I panicked as I heard moaning from behind me, I turned around to see Daryl imitating a walker. I punched him playfully in the arm, rolling my eyes. "Don't do that!" I scolded him like a little kid. "Sorry mom" He muttered going into the house. While Carl and I chuckled.

"You think my mom will be okay?" Carl asked after many minutes of silence.

"Honestly?" I replied back looking him in the eye, he only nodded slightly, so slight that you would have missed it if you weren't paying attention.

"I really don't know, but I do hope that she's alright. She's such a nice person, she doesn't deserve it" I told him, trying to avoid his stare, knowing that his eyes were on me.

"Ok" He muttered, I sighed knowing that was the end of our conversation. He's been acting different lately. I thought to myself just as Hershel came to the living room. "Is she okay? Is she scratched? Is she gonna turn?" Questions shot out of Carl's mouth like a bullet. "Okay, slow down" Hershel chuckled. "What I see is that the scratch on her arm does look like a human or a walker did it to her. Although, it's definitely older, I'd estimate it happened about a few days ago" Hershel nodded, then continued. "She'll be okay, but I'm not sure if a walker did scratch her so I'm gonna to keep her isolated in that room for a few days" Relief washed over me, she'll be okay, but that wasn't good enough for Carl.

"If she's fine then why is she locked up in there for days!" Carl screamed at the old man, obviously not caring who heard. "Carl-" I was cut off by more screaming. "No shut up everyone! I don't care okay? If she's okay, why is she in there! Answer me!" Carl took a swing at the wall only to be blocked by his dad. Wow Rick and Carl definitely both have the same temper. Hershel sighed and went over to the couch, patting the seat next to him for Carl to sit in, he gladly did.

By now, everyone was out here listening to Hershel explain what happened. "The scratch she thought she got from the walker she didn't, although there is another scratch on her arm that looks fairly new, and it seems like it could have happened today. So, I think she did get scratched by the walker." Hershel glanced at all of us to see our reactions. "But, it's a very faint scratch so I'm not so sure if she'll turn. If the scratch was hard enough, then she could turn but when it's faint there's more of a chance she won't turn" He finished, eyeing Rick and Carl to see their reactions. Rick nodded his hand and walked outside, while Carl stood up and balled his fists, making them turn red. "Okay" He said barely above a whisper, stomping out of the house.

"Poor Lori, god I hope she's okay" Beth said as we sat in her room talking. "Yeah, I mean Lori was always there for me ever since I was younger, and I'd hate to see her go, let alone how Carl and Rick must feel" I replied blankly. She just nodded her head as she concentrated on making a bracelet.

"You still like him?" Beth glanced up at me. I nodded watching closely as she weaved the bracelet into making amazing patterns, I've seen people make these types of bracelets before but Beth did them so amazingly compared to anything I've seen.

"How you doing with Patricia and Jimmy?" I know it's a sore subject to bring up, but I couldn't help but ask her, after all she is my basically my best friend and I know she won't mind too much. "Honestly, I am feeling better and as much as I miss them, they are in a better place now" She said as she finished up her bracelet. "Here" She said putting the bracelet around my wrist. I furrowed ny eyebrows in confusion. "What?" I asked her as she tied it around my wrist. "I have one just like it in pink, yellow, and white my three favorite colors, and i made you one in pink, light blue, and light purple your favorite colors so I guess you could call them friendship bracelets" Beth smiled at me. "Aw Beth, I love it!" I grabbed her and pulled her in for a hug.

Out of all things to find in a apocalypse, a best friend who I can trust was definitely not on my list.


I know this chapter is a little short but oh well


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