Chapter 14: Found

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The next day we all woke up and made a fire.

"So should we go looking for the rest of them?" Glenn asked as we roasted our breakfast over the fire.

"I think we should try but what if we can't find them today?" Maggie's almost gone country accent rang through the woods. "We look tomorrow, until we find them. We don't give up on family" Rick stated. "Honestly they probably are still out there, Rick but most of the strong people we have in the group are here if you haven't noticed" Beth observed glancing at Rick.

"That's true but they are out there. I know they are" Rick's tone made it clear that was the end of the conversation.

My stomach curled up in a ball thinking all of those people who I can call family are dead. Especially Carl.

We walked through the woods looking for any signs of anyone. "The guys are probably gone so why don't we just go back to the farm and see if anyones there?" I suggested, hoping it was a good one.

"She's got a point, odds are they know the way back so they might be at the house" Daryl agreed looking over at me. I winked sarcastically, glancing back at the trail we were following.

"What or who's trail is this?" I asked curiously.

"Well that's what we're trying to figure out" Glenn replied.

*Carls POV*

"Why don't we head back to the house, they might be there" I stated in a demanding form, rather than a questioning form.

My mom, Carol, and T-Dog were all together. We found Carol last night.


My mom was attempting to make a fire although it wasn't going so well.

"I'll be right back" T-Dog said standing up, heading into the woods.

"Be careful, we don't need to lose another" My mom smiled, a little light emitting from the fire.

"Phew, finally" She sat on a log, just as she sit down, it went out, she muttered a few curses under her breath. "Just stop" I told her, she nodded relaxing on the log.





"Ouch! I didn't see that branch" A familiar voice spoke from the dark woods.

My mom grabbed at her gun

My eyes widened. "Wait! Mom stop it's Carol!" I jumped at her to make sure she didn't shoot.

"Lori? Carl? Is that you?" Carol asked emerging from the woods, with dirt and blood all over her.

"No, it's the mailman" I said sarcastically.

My mom went to hug Carol and they stayed like that for a good few minutes.

"Carol?" T-Dog asked. He ran over and they hugged.

*Flashback Ended*

"Hello? Earth to Carl?" T-Dog waved his hand in front of my face. "Hm? What?" I asked obliviously.

"We're going back to the farm" He told me. I nodded grabbing my gun and hat setting off towards the farm.

After walking about 10 minutes we came across something that looked like the familiar barn at the farm.

"The farm!" My mom smiled running further ahead than the rest of us. I glanced at the place we usually have our fire, noticing that it seems as if people were here not even a few hours ago.

"Hey guys!" I called out. T-Dog and my mom ran over. "What?" She asked. "It looks like someone or multiple someones were here, I'd say a few hours ago maybe not even the fire is still slightly smoking" I explained to them. Before they could answer we heard Carol screaming to us.

"Guys, guys! Come here right now" She yelled to us waving her hands around, acting like hyperactive puppy.

We ran over to her and saw the whole group.

Nothing could ruin the smiles on all our faces as we all ran in for a group hug.

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