Chapter 3

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We get to the private jet and Allison hops out of the car and walks up. She doesn't help at all. I walk back to the trunk and take some luggage and put it on the floor.

"Hello sir, I'll help you with that." A man said walking up to me.

"Oh, thanks. Everything is settled once we get on we can go?" I asked taking more stuff out.

"Indeed, sir." The man said then took the luggage to the jet. I sighed then closed the trunk once I got everything out. I walked up the stairs and once I was inside I put the luggage to the side.
My jaw almost dropped at the private jet it looked ginormous. Must have at least two bedrooms and a shower a kitchen a living room. I know it must sound insane but it's true. When the guy who helped me came up the door closed and it looked like we were ready to take off.

"Sir, we're about to take off please enjoy your stay and have anything you'd like." He said with a smile before taking off.

I walked over to the fridge and grabbed a beer. Then I opened it and drank some while I was walking to the back to check out the room. When I opened it it looked like a nice size room. It had a TV and a nice comfy bed. I can use a nap with all the driving I just did. I walked over and took my coat off putting it on the back of the door. I walked over to the bed and lied down then closed my eyes. This will be a long flight.


I woke up with my face in the pillow. I hadn't gotten a good enough sleep like this one. These beds are magic. I sat up and stretched then I rubbed my eyes and looked at the clock and noticed it was two in the morning. I should go back to sleep but I have to use the bathroom.

I go up and use the bathroom. Then I look in the mirror and notice my beard is coming back. It comes back quick most times. I open the door and I'm walking back to my room and hear crying. I walk up to the door and knock. They don't answer so I just open it, it was Allison. I don't do good with emotional people, I'm a violent person I hardly ever cry.

I close the door behind me but she doesn't even bother to see who it is. She's sitting at on the bed with her back away from me so I sit behind her and put my arm on her back. She doesn't flinch or anything.

"I'm so scared." She let's out.

"Hey, look at me Alli." I whisper to her.

She sniffles then turns to me and looks into my eyes, they're red and puffy. I have no clue how long she's been crying since I just woke up but it seems like a while.

"You have me okay? Nothing's going to happen I promise." I tell her. I take her hair and put it behind her ear. I smile at her.

"Thanks Mitch, but can I ask you something?" She asks with weary eyes.

I nod my head.

"What happened to you? Why did you become this... This assassin?" She asked.

I knew this would come up sooner or later, "Well, I was on a beach with my girlfriend. Her name was Katrina Harper." She nodded her head as she was listening, "I was planning to propose to her which I did. Then when I was getting us drinks to celebrate we were attacked and she got shot and killed." I continued. "After that I lost control and Irene my boss she found me and recruited me to the CIA now, here I am." I finished.

She wiped her tears away, "Wow Mitch I'm so sorry." She pleaded.

"Yeah, it's fine." I mumbled.

"So what I said in the car about what your scared of... I could tell you lied to me, so I'm still wondering what are you scared of?" She asked looking deep into my eyes.

"I'm afraid to fall in love again. I don't want to get to close to someone if their just going to get ripped away from me. I can't handle that pain again right now. That wound is sealed and I want it to stay that way." I mentioned to her.

She closed her eyes and nodded softly. Then she opened them and looked at my hand and put hers on top of mine.

"You don't have to be afraid. It's okay to feel broken. But you can't let yourself not fall in love again because you're scared to lose that person." She said in a whisper. She stroked her thumb across my hand and it made my heart race.

I looked down on the floor. I guess she was right. But if I have to go through that pain again no one will ever see me or hear from me for a long time. Not even Irene.

"Yeah, I guess you're right." I said in a low tone. "Hey, why don't you get some rest all right?" I stated then let go of her hand and headed out for the door.

"Wait, Mitch?" She called out.

I turned around, "will you stay with me please?" She asked.

"Yeah, sure." I said. I walked over to the chair.

"No, you can sleep with me." She said.

I gulped then walked over to her and she moved closer to the wall. I slowly got into bed and put the covers over me then fixed the pillow. Once I was comfortable Allison turned over to face me and put her head on my chest. Neither of us said a word. Maybe I am falling in love with the President's daughter, and it's going to hurt like hell.


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