Chapter 6

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We made it to our hotel and it was big and wide. There was plenty of room in the living room. Chairs and couch's a fireplace and I flat screen TV. Along with a small table with a lamp. There was a flower vase in the corner.

I put down our luggage and decided I should explore the rest of the hotel. I walked along and opened the door to the left down the hall. When I opened it there was a nice luxury like bedroom. It had a bed with white and gray sheet and blankets, also pillows. The floor was like a gray marble floor. And had a lamp beside the bed and a nice view of Italy.

I think I can get used to this. Walking toward the bed I sat at the end of it. When I looked to the left I noticed there was a terrace. Thank God so I can go out and smoke. Moments later I looked up by the door as I saw it opened. Allison walked in holding her luggage.

"You've got to be kidding me." She let out.

"What?" I asked confused.

"This is the only bedroom?" She asked, "I checked the whole house there isn't another one." She mentioned.

Fuck, I thought to myself. "Well, I'll sleep on the couch in the living room it looked pretty comfortable." I announced to her.

"All right, but I don't wanna hear anything in the morning about your back pain." She states then walks to the closet to hang her clothes.

I sigh then get up and walk out to the terrace. I fetch in my pocket for a cigarette. I light it then puff out a cloud of smoke. I relax my arms on the railing then enjoy the view of Italy. I don't know if Ghost is even anywhere near the white house but if he is then Allison is safe.

Now I have to spend here sleeping on a damn couch because I can't catch anymore feelings for her. And neither can she for me. It really is going to be hard. Yesterday was the best night I ever had in a long ass time. She was such a sweet devious girl I've met in a while. I don't think I'll ever meet anyone like her in a long time.

I walked out of the terrace fliking my cigarette to the ground and crushing it with my foot. I walked out of the room while Allison was still arranging her stuff. Walking to the living I sat on the couch. She was lucky it was pretty comfortable, still doesn't mean my back will kill me. I turned on the TV and watched the news. Nothing major was on. I was so close to falling asleep watching the boring ass news.

With that I decided to get up and go grab my jacket and take a walk around Italy. I didn't have to watch Allison 24/7 or else it'll feel like I'm really babysitting her and I do not want that. It was almost four in the afternoon. Which meant it was still bright out. Walking a bit more I noticed a coffee shop. Now that will wake me up.

I walk into the coffee shop. There's not that many people. Most of them are glued to their laptops. I walk over to the counter to order. The man turns around and he looks pretty familiar.

"Can I take your order sir?" The man asked.

"Oh, right. Can I have two coffees and a muffin." I asked studying him.

"Coming right up." He turned back around and made the coffee and muffin. "So where you staying?" He asked while making the coffee.

I was reading the stuff on the menu then my eyes turned to the guy.

"Um, I've been here for my whole life." He lied. It was like this man must have been wearing a disguise. I couldn't wrap my finger around it.

"Really? That's pretty interesting." He said walking over with the muffin and the two coffees. "Well, here you go sir." He said with a smirk. "Have a good day." With that I gave him a weird look then grabbed the coffee and the muffin.


"Are you following him?" He asked into his mic.

"Yup. Looks like he's on foot. I guess he is staying in a hotel with the presidents daughter."

"All right. Just find out where the hotel is then we'll tomorrow today is just too risky."

"Roger that."


"Here I got you a coffee." I said handing it to Allison while she was sitting up in bed.

"Thanks." She said.

I nodded my head then walked out of the room. It started to get dark so I put boxers on and took off my shirt. It was pretty hot in the living room. I drank my coffee and put on scandal on the TV. If there was any show I had to watch it would be scandal it was pretty decent and my taste.

I thought back to the guy in the coffee shop. Why couldn't I put my finger on it? I don't get it. I decided to lay down and grab a blanket. As I had one hand resting behind my head I drifted away to a deep sleep.


I woke up to the smell of eggs and toast. As I sat up I saw Allison in a pink lace pajamas and a red robe around her. Maybe she thought I would still be asleep so I wouldn't have to see her in that. I lied back down and rubbed my eyes and groaned. She was right my back was going to hurt. As I stood out of bed I walked to the bathroom. I peed then brushed my teeth. I closed the bathroom door then walked back to the kitchen. There was a plate of food so I wondered if it was hers or mine.

I didn't want to ask so I just sat back on the couch and turned on the TV.

"Mitch..." I heard Allison call out.

"Hmm?" I asked turning around looking at her.

"I made you a plate." She said.

Oh I guess she did make me food. I lower the volume of the tv then walk over to the kitchen. I sit down on the stool near the island. I pick in the eggs and eat them. I drink some coffee she made then she sits across from me. Without looking up I can tell she's checking me out. I try not to do the same to her when she's "not looking" but I shouldn't. Although I did before and she does look hot right now.

"So I've been thinking about this all night."

"Well, I'd love to hear it but my back is killing me right now so I'm about to go lay in the bed while your out here. Taking turns right now. You couch me bed."

"Yeah I don't take orders from you Mitch." Allison stated.

I ate some more eggs and toast. Then after I finished I put my plate in the sink then grabbed my coffee. After finishing it in a gulp since it was pretty cold and not hot anymore I threw it in the garbage. As I was walking away she spoke again.

"Just please sit." She said.

I sighed. I walked over and sat back where I was.

"Look... I know my dad and I don't want us together, I mean he'll freak when if he ever found out about what we did but. Last night I wanted it again. Without you beside me comforting me I felt so alone." She said looking down at the counter.

I watched her studying her face if she was lying or not. By the looks of it she was one hundred telling the truth.

"Allison what happened between us was great. But there's nothing more. This is a mission and I have to protect you. I just-" I was going to tell her about the coffee shop but I didn't want to worry her. That's for me to worry about. I looked back up at her and saw she was very focused.

"What if we can keep it a secret?" She asked reaching for my hand. I dropped my hands to my lap so she couldn't grab it.

I shake my head, "no, I'm a killer Allison. I'm a bad guy I'm an assassin."

"You are not a bad guy, Mitch." She said with sincere tone.

I looked down then winced at my back pain. I got up out of my chair and stood.

"Look, just let it go okay. Now I have to go rest my back." With that I left the room.

I lied on the bed and looked up at the ceiling. What was I going to do with that guy at the coffee shop? Should I go back and see if he's still there? No, that'll be too risky. I guess I should wait it out.

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