Chapter 14

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Mitch's P.O.V

There was no doubt in my mind that Ghost wasn't already at his home. He must have his men with him along with Allison. I can't imagine how scared she must feel. Let alone her father, I'm with him right now. Hurley told him the 414 of what Ghost plan is. I'm waiting here with Coleman in the hall of the Oval office to hear what the President has to say about everything. If the President is willing to die for his daughter he will live on as a hero. Or we can think of a bigger plan to have the whole place surrounded but that might just fall to have Allison killed in front of her father. And me... Her father might not know it know because I do have a way to hide my feelings but- I am in love with Allison.

Minutes pass and Hurley opens the Oval office door signaling us to come inside. Coleman and I walk inside the room.  The President is by the window with scotch in his hand. I hear Hurley and Coleman speak behind me but I can't make out the words as my attention is all on the man with bags under his eyes and a weak posture staring out to the horizon. Now all I can think is this is his final days on this earth. By the looks of it, he is willing to die for his daughter and willing to sacrifice himself for his country.

"Rapp," Stan calls out ripping my attention away. "Are you listening?" he asked with his arms crossed against his chest.

I turned my full body toward him parting my mouth, "No, my bad. What's the plan?" I questioned shoving my hands in my pockets.

"The plan is I sacrifice myself for my daughter. It's no longer just me and I will do anything to protect my daughter." The President chimes in setting his scotch down on the table. Just as I suspected. Although, I don't think Allison would let him go through it. It's every parent first instinct to take their kid's place but they never think that their kids can't live without their parents either.

"Do you think Allison would let you go too that much measure for her?" I turn speaking to her father.

"It doesn't matter. I will not let that lunatic kill my daughter. I am the President of the United States and I want everyone to feel safe in their country that includes Allison. Mr. Rapp."

I nod my head not willing to go into more detail. If everything was going to work out I wonder how the aftermath will be with our President assassinated. The fact that he was okay with all of what is and might happen says that he's been thinking this since the kidnap happened. And the fact that he hasn't said rude thing to me about not taking care of his daughter correctly states that he knew that was going to happen.

"All right, I don't know what we're all waiting for. I want my daughter back and alive. Let's go." The President states walking toward the exit of his Oval office.

I sigh under my nose I can't believe I'm about to witness the most tragic thing ever since experiencing my fiance's death. All I know is I'm going to kill Ghost myself before he even gets his gun out to kill the President. We get into the Sedan and the secret service drives off. Apparently, he still remembers where Ghost lives. Hurley breaths out a long breath raising his eyebrows at me. He shakes his head lightly looking away. I can tell he doesn't think this is going to end well.

When he makes it in front of the house it looks like it hasn't been touched. Although there must be someone in there with a car in the driveway. How unfortunate. I take my gun out but Stan stops me. How the hell am I supposed to kill Ghost right when that door opens if I can't have my gun out? The secret service apparoach the door first. One of them peek through the door while the other marches back straight toward us.

"They have Allison with a gun to her head."

Mr. Preisdent doesn't even wait for a second as he pushes past his secret service and swings the door open. I am about to do the same until I step back away from everyone. I lay low running to the back of the house. I'm looking for a back door to sneak in which I find but I see a big guy blocking it. Not a hard thing to handle; I can kill him in a second. I make noise trying to grab his attention. I find a rock and throw it the glass door. Quickly I take out my knife holding it firmly. When I hear the door open I step behind him onto the patio. I stick my knife into his throat as he gags from the blood and stumbles to the ground. I put my knife back onto my waistband and reach for my gun. When I walk inside the house I hear voices.

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