Chapter 10

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Allison's P.O.V

I wake up slowly my vision a complete blur. There are human figures sitting in the van counting money smoking cigars. The van stunk of smoke and liquor I felt like to hurl. It was hard to be able to feel my toes and fingertips as I'm tied up in the corner of the van with smushed bags pressed up against me. I didn't know if I should pretend I'm still asleep or not because who knows what these guys will do to me if they know I'm awake. From what I remember I was making myself a cup of coffee while Mitch was out doing god knows what. Then when I sat down and turned on the TV as I was flipping through channels there was absolutely nothing on so I turned it off and saw a human figure reflected off the TV. When I turned around slowly it wasn't Mitch. I screamed loudly and raced off the couch trying to get away from the man but he grabbed me by the shoulders pressing my back against his chest as his hand came close to my mouth with a cloth and I was out like a light.

"Who is the girl?" A man's voice called out in a low whisper.

"She's cute." Another man called out with a chuckle.

I've never been so scared in my life. Mitch was hired to protect me and he had to go out leaving me for dead. I don't think I can ever forgive him if I make it out alive. Neither will my father. When I opened one eye I saw the man that put the cloth over my mouth stand up from where he was sitting. His made a fist and struck one of the men right in the jaw.

The man held his jaw rubbing it before making eye contact with the assaulter. "What the hell ghost?" He grumbled scrunching his fists beside himself.

"You are not to lay a hand on that girl... Do you hear me? Or I'll blow your fucking brains out right here, right now." The guy who goes by Ghost warned. The man who got punched cursed under his breath sitting back down. I don't want to know what would have happened to me if he didn't warn that guy. If he were to kill him right in front of me, his brain splattered all over I would never be able to get the image out of my mind. There are a lot of things already I won't be able to get out of my mind. I started to wonder if we were still in Italy. If so Mitch hopefully is already on his way to save me. I wish I would've gone with him then maybe he could have protected me if anyone tried anything. But no now I'm here pretending I am asleep so none of the guys will harras me.

To try and think of anything else I think back to what my dad was telling me. He told me that we're not safe. Someone bad is coming to destroy him and the white house. I didn't understand I first I thought he was joking around. Although he wasn't, I remember him telling me I was going to have someone watch me to protect me. I thought it would be one of his secret service guards but when he went into more detail it turned out to be a spy from the CIA. Now, who would have thought he would be so handsome and so well put together. Extremely stubborn I may have to add. But I think he may have let himself go when we both developed feelings for one another. That always tends to screw up some things. Maybe it was my fault if I had not led him on none of this would be happening and this would just be a mission to protect the President's daughter and not a really fucked up love story. I couldn't help my feelings get the best of me though, there was everything to like about Mitch. So well built, charming, sweet only when you get to know him and catch him without him realizing he's being sweet. He always tries to act badass when I know he has a soft side somewhere inside of him.

Now that I know I do like him a lot it breaks my heart that I may never see him again. For him to think he has failed my dad and I. It doesn't look like I'll make it out here alive stating the fact that I have been in the same position for however long. I know we're almost to a stop because the driver is stopping short which means I won't be able to fake sleep for much longer. The car comes to a full stop then the doors yank open. The bright light shines my eyes I shut them tight. I feel a hand on me lifting me out of the van being thrown over the persons shoulder. I open my eyes turning my head back noticing an underground building they were heading to. This does not look good. 

I want to kick and scream but it all seemed pointless being it looked like no one else was around. All I hope to hope right now so I won't be tortured to death. Well, ghost did say to his men to not lay a hand on me but that does not mean he won't. That made a knot in my stomach. Suddenly, I am lied down on the dirty concrete floor inside of the building and I open my eyes racing to the corner away from the scary men. Ghost walks toward me and I move my head to the side. He flashes me a grin lifting his hands to my lips to take the tied cloth away. I breathe out as I was holding in a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Hello, I'm Ghost." He says with a calm tone brushing his fingers along my cheeks. I was trembling with fear when his fingers wouldn't stop exploring.

I swallowed hard before responding, I thought if I'd opened my mouth I wouldn't be able to speak because of how petrified I was. "I- what do you want?" my voice so shaky I wanted to hurl. I pushed my head further back in the corner to get his fingers off of my skin.

He moved his hands to my shoulder rubbing it, "I'm sorry to get such an innocent girl in the middle of this but you should blame your father. It's all his fault." He explained standing up away from me.

I scoffed my nose flaring up, I was tired of all of this, I wanted out. "My dad is the President. I've been with him 24/7." I start shaking my head, "There isn't anything he did to you. You're just a sad little boy seeking revenge." That caused him to stop in his tracks. Ghost turned around rushing back to me. He grabbed me by my chin bringing my face inches from him.

"Honey, don't test me. I don't want to hurt you trust me. But if you open that pretty mouth of yours again I swear it won't be pretty." He hissed standing back on his two feet. I huffed under my breath leaning my head on the wall. His men were gathering things out of a suitcase then looked at Ghost then back at me then back at Ghost. I don't know what their planning but I'd rather be dead then go through it alive.

A/N: Remember to vote and comment! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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