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"Did it work?" I ask as Fabien opened the door to the cells.

"Lets see..." he stepped into a shrill silence, you could hear the waters running along the pipelines as well as soft snoring coming from some of the cells.

"Okay, good." He says before calling his men to carry the knocked out Outlanders one by one. I went towards the meeting point to exit out of the tunnels, waiting patiently for Harvey, as many more more civilians came standing in a line ready fo leave the pipe lines together.

I leaned against the wall, feeling a little dizzy and tired. I hadn't fully rested or eaten since I got here and was beginning to feel light headed.

Harvey went with Jax, helping collect all the samples they needed to understand the drug and approached me with a box in his hand.

"You got everything." I ask.

"I do. I told Holgan to meet us by the entrance of Sigil..." he days looking around to make sure no one could hear us.

"Aura, i didn't tell him how much we are. He is going to go ballistic- can we trust them? Sigil has never taken so many outsiders before. I don't know if this is a good idea." He asks in a whisper.

"Then what are we suppose to do?!"

"There is a reason it's hidden and closed to everyone, what about when we get there- where do we put all these agressive outlanders in withdrawal, that will literally do anything to get their next high- including leaking Sigil location..." He tells me. I understand what he was saying. Right now we didn't have a choice. We would have to figure it all out later.

"Okay were all ready. Lets go." Fabien said, leading the way down the tunnels towards the exit. 

We walked a little before a loud bleeping began from Harvey backpack, causing us to all stare at him.

"Oh, take this." He says, giving me the box of research and digging into his bag for the source of the annoying beep. He pulled out his laptop and connected his pod clocking away before he looked at me.

"We have a problem." He whispered.

Fabien and Jax told everyone to rest before walking to us.

"I'm trying to hold them off for as long as I can, but it looks like they sent Scouts."

"Scouts. Who are they? Can't we fight them off?" Fabien asked.

"They aren't who, but what. They are tiny micro wasps that inject a sedative. They are usually sent out first before any men to weed out the enemy, saving the military any hard work." I explain, defeated.

"They come in swarms. We won't survive fighting them, you need to follow me out of here. We need to find another way out, this exit will lead us right to them."

"How do you know where we are?"

"Please, I downloaded the map of the old mining systems linking Outlander to highlander the moment I got here and recognised it." Harvey explained typing some more.

Damn, Go Harv.

"I've tried to clear a path by the north side. It's small so they won't recognise it, we must hurry." He told us, pushing the computer back into his bag.

The headache came back again, making me feel a little drowsy as I shook it off.

"Are you okay?" Fabien asked, catching me a little.

"I'm fine." I tell him, turning to Harvey.

"Which way?"

"Follow me." He said, taking the box from me and walking ahead of the group.

We walked what felt like miles, before Harvey computer started beeping again, and he handed the box to one of Fabien men. He pulled out his pod, turning to us.

"They are in the tunnels, we need to hurry." He explains just as a door with a keypad comes into view. Fabien runs up to it and typed in a code and the north door opened, as he led us outside.

Everyone got out, lined up outside quickly before we could start moving again. Fabien ordered his men to object the drudged Outlanders with more sedative in case any of them woke up, as I looked out into the tress of the The Wall.

I felt it.

The silence.

I closed my eyes, blocking out everything and hearing as far as I could, asking the wind to show me what I was missing.

When I heard it.

The swarm of buzzing coming in out direction.

"We need to get out of here. Harvey, you said your had the north cleared?" I asked him, looking around to see what we could do.

"I do, what's wrong?"

"There's a swarm coming just in front of us." I tell him, as he typed away on his pod again.

"Crap. I see them, let me try to bypass the program and divert their direction." He says

A slight buzzing began to emerge as the seconds rolled by, getting louder and louder.


"Im working as fast as we can- crap I'm locked out!" He shouted, looking into the tress as the buzzing intensified.

Damn it. We wouldn't make it. I wouldn't be able to hold off a horde of scouts.

"What are we going to do?" Jax asked, as I racked my brain for an idea.

Then I got it.

I couldn't hold it off. But I could move it.

I turned back to the tunnel entrance of the base, it was huge and could handle the horde without looking weird if the council checked the travelling files.

"Okay, we don't have time. I need you to separate make a clear line, everyone needs to be on either side of the tunnels.

Fabien nodded and began barking commands.

The buzzing was close, I could make out the faint outline of the horde coming through the tress.

I wiped my forehead, that was now full of sweat. The headache was getting worse, as I shook my head and pushed it to the back of my mind, concentrating on the task at hand.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.

I was drowning in complete silence, feeling everything. I stretched out my hands, pulling at the smog surrounding the tress, clouding the horde and tying them in a tight ball.

Once that was done, I bent down, turning towards the tunnel, I curved my hands, twisting the ball I created that was holding the horde to push it towards the entrance of the tunnel.

From headquarters it would look like they were just flying in a dark smog leading into the entrance of the base, when in fact I was guiding them, channeling my energy to the smog gliding into the entrance, it was heavy but I managed it.

Once the horde was in, I shut the door, Jax, Harvey and Fabien helping me. Trapping the Scouts inside.

I leaned down on my knees, trying to take deep breathes, feeling wheezy and dizzy at the same time. When I finally stood up everyone was looking at me, their faces in awe of what I just did. They didn't look scared...but grateful. I swallowed as a intense stabbing pain began, my body heating up all over.

"Harvey...I don't feel so good..." I muttered, before collapsing to the ground.

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