C H A P T E R T W E N T Y - S E V E N

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I stared at Fiona, confused to what happened to the girl I had known all my life.

"What did you just say?"

"You heard me. This is a coup, your not fit to Queen." She spits again.

I laughed out loud, filling the silence with how absurd this all sounded.

"And who's is suppose to take my place? You?"

"Why not. I also have the claim to the throne."

My eyes glazed over at that sentence.

"I beg your pardon."

She moved towards me, no one making a move to stop her. It suddenly dawned on me everyone was on her side, expect Fabien who I'm pretty sure was thinking about how to ditch me at this very moment.

I was outnumbered, pushed out by my own people.

"You always though you were special. Always heard about what a amazing Queen you would grow up to be. What about me!"

"Your not making any sense-"

She turned towards everyone giving me her back to address everyone at the same time.

"The late King, is my biological father." She explains causing everyone to be in shock.

Including me.

"That's ridiculous. Your father is Higgam."

"That was all a lie. I've been trapped on that horrible mountain my whole life. My powers being kept a secret, with a man who never viewed me as his own...why? Because my mother and your father betrayed him, and I was a constant reminder of it." She says in anger.

"What? That's not true! Lady Kenner would never-"

"My Mother was a whore! She loved our father soo much she couldn't keep her legs shut! Why do you think your mother hated him so much enough to kill him!" She yelled.

"Regardless of your claim. Your illegitimate. The crown goes to the King and Queen borne. Which isn't you." Fabien points out next to me.

"True. But I have the support of everyone in this room-"

"You don't have mine." He cuts in, causing the Outlander guards to stand position protecting either side of us. Jax came in front of us, sword out ready to give the command.

I eyed Fiona, lost at how this could have happened.

She was my sister.

My real sister in blood- and she was trying to go against me. I couldn't understand it. Couldn't even imagine this.

"Your a clever man King Fabien. I'm giving you a choice. Come on my side, we can make a treaty together- you can even have my hand as we both want the same thing, all I ask is you give me Aura." She says to him, ignore my stare.

"Was it you..." I ask, my eyes watering as she turned to look at me.

"Did you plan everything? The assassination? The seige. Was it your doing?"

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