C H A P T E R T W E N T Y - E I G H T

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"Your my little sister. I don't want to hurt you Fiona." I utter, one last time.

"You don't scare me Aura. We are equals, your aren't better than me." She tells me, before pulling out the arrow in front of her stuck in the ground.

"Call back your bodyguards." She says taunting me as I look back at Fabien, giving a nod. He raises his hands as I rip the bottom of my now ragged dress.

"It didn't have to be this way." I tell her, as she threw the arrow towards my face, skimming my way lightly, making a small cut.

"Yes it did." She replied as I turned to Harvey.

"Give her a sword. I'm going to teach my sister a lesson." I tell them as a sword if thrown in her direction, just as I pick up my own.

She tune towards me fast, as I dodged her lethal stab towards my stomach, and twisting to face her from behind just as our sword clashed.

She lunged her sword and so did I, as we heard them banging against each other as she hit harder and harder as she pulled my legs from under me, turning to aim from my neck.

I rolled to my right, aiming at her legs with my sword. She was weak at protecting her lower poings so I focused on disarming her rather than killing her.

Your holding back.

Because she was my sister. How could I do that.

I missed a opening as she slices at my arm, causing me to gush out with blood.

"Ha! So weak. You won't kill me, your just prolonging what you know has to happen. The thrown belongs to me now." She says, coming at me again, I put up my sword, forcing hers out of her hands, before punching her in the face.

She deserved that much.

She wiped her nose, before coming at me again, as dodged and punched her in the chest.

She deserved that too.

She started getting angry, kicking my feet from under me, before jumping on me and thumping my skull up and down the marble floor.

"That's enough Fiona!" Higgam says, marching forward.

"You don't get to tell me what to do."

"I'm your father!" He yelled as she laughed.

"I'm not stupid."

"No your not! But your my daughter and I love just as much as your brothers!" He tells her, as she stand and faces him.

As she was distracted I bit her arm and she let go, giving me time to find my footing as I felt extremely light headed.

She came at me again, this time grabbing my hair out, pulling out my hair pin dagger out of my hair.

Holgan and Fabien came forward just as Casey stoped them.

"Fiona! I love you, please don't make this worse." He tells her.

"Love? You found out I was going to kill your precious Aura and rushed in to save her." She yelled.

"That's not true Fiona. You know it. I wanted you to repent for what you did. I wanted to take the blame, not for Aura, but to protect you. Your my daughter, and I would do anything for you." He tells her moving forward slowly.


"I've done many things my girl- but I'm not a liar. It's true." He tells her. I eyed her, unsure if he was getting to her.

Just as a arrow flew from the top balcony, skimming Fiona's head by inches. Causing her to scream.

"Your all liars!" She hells facing me again.

"Your going to die by my hands Aura. With everyone watching. How does that feel." She spits, slapping me across the face. I head butt her, causing her to get off me, before standing up and putting more distance between us.

She didn't waste time, and lunged again, pulling us both down towards a burning fire that had occurred due to the falling cancel chandelier.

"Fiona!" Higgam yells running towards us both, just as another arrow flew hitting Higgam in the chest.

Fiona and I turned, and saw as Higgam collapsed, on his knees looking at us both.

She grabbed me, forcing me head and neck to be exposed as if she was about to snap my neck.

"This is all your fault!" She screams, before deciding I wasn't worth it and running to Higgam.

I went in all fours towards them both. A ringing sensation beginning in my ears as Fiona yells and cries.

I shake my head in disbelief.

As Higgam lay still his eyes lifeless in Fiona arms.

She let him go grabbing me by the hair.

"Apologise! You ruin everything! You take everything! Admit defeat. Give me the throne, and I might let you live long enough to see me wear your throne." She sneered just as I saw my dagger on the ground next to me.

"If it wasn't for you! He wouldn't be dead!" She yelled and something in me snapped. 

"A Queen never bows to her enemies." I tell her cold, stabbing her on her toe, as she screams.

"And you will never have Highlander. Higgam, forgive me." I tell her, pulling out the knife and slashing her face from her chin up. She screamed in pain as i pushed her into the fire.

I collapsed on the ground, worn out and tired and very very sleepy, my eyes full of tears.

"Aura! Hey wake up don't close your eyes!" I heard Fabien bark at me. But I was just soo exhausted.

"Aura, goddam it! Stay with me..."

I wanted to tell him I was fine. I just need to to close my eyes for a second. That's all I wanted-needed right now. But I was to weak to form words.

"Dont do this Aura. Fight it." I heard Higgam say, but everything felt blurry.

Everything went quiet.

Everything went dark.

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