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Pushing the heels of her hands against his chest, she tried to move him, but he didn't budge.

"Please, Mr. Maitland. I—I don't think I need your assistance any longer. I am well, I assure you."

His fingertips slid down her cheek and to her bottom lip. "I'm pleased to hear this, but nonetheless, I feel as if I should continue to assist you."

"Please, Mr. Maitland—" She turned her head, trying to remove his touch.

"I insist you call me Roderick."

She gulped. "Please. I—I cannot breathe with you on me like this."

He didn't move, just adjusted his body slightly, lifting off her bosom only a couple inches. His gaze darkened. Shivers of disgust ran over her and she wanted nothing better than to slap his face. But the liquor had weakened her limbs, and she feared the worst. Would he take advantage of her in her condition?

Justin? Where are you?

"As it is, Mr.—um—Roderick, I'd very much like to retire for the evening."

He nodded and lifted off her. She breathed as a loud whoosh came from her throat. Thank goodness he complied so quickly. He held out his hand and hesitantly, she took it.

"Victoria, let me help you to your room."

She froze, knowing she couldn't allow that to happen. What if Justin was there waiting? Then again, what if Justin wasn't and Roderick wanted to make improper advances?

"That's unnecessary, Roderick. I'll be fine." Proving it to him, she took a couple of steps toward the door, but her legs shook and she swayed.

He grabbed her with one hand while the other arm slipped around her waist and he pulled her against his body. Biting her bottom lip, she allowed him to walk her out of the room. What else could she do? She couldn't fight him off in her weary state.

Roderick didn't say anything as he helped her up the stairs. Tears glistened in her eyes as she silently prayed nothing unforeseen had happened to Francine. Perhaps all of this was Victoria's imagination? After all, look what happened before. Since arriving at this place, strange occurrences had happened, making her believe she'd gone insane.

When they reached her room, she tore herself away from Roderick and opened the door. "Thank you, but I'll be fine now."

"I think I should help you inside. You might need assistance getting undressed."

She quickly placed her hand to his chest to hold him away from coming any further. "Don't be ridiculous. I assure you, I'm fine."

Ignoring her, he walked her to the bed. With a gentle push, she fell on the mattress. Quickly, she struggled to an upright position. Beside her, Roderick sat, his hands caressing up and down her arms.

Bile rose in her throat and she shook her head. "I don't think you should be helping me. If you get a maid—"

"Nonsense, my dear. I'm capable of readying a woman for bed."

Her limbs weighted more than she could bear and she was useless to fight him. Squeezing her eyes closed, she refused to look into the dark desire laced in his gaze.

His hands brushed over her shoulders and down her back. One by one, the buttons of her gown popped opened. When her dress fell forward, she clutched the bodice to her chest and whimpered.

"Here now, Victoria." His voice came out deep. "I beg you to allow me to finish undressing you."

Collecting her courage, she opened her eyes. His face blurred and she blinked to clear her vision. The strong drink was working faster than she wanted. If she didn't get him out of her room, she feared what he'd do to her. She'd have been safer with the white wolf.

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