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Wearily, Justin lifted his aching body off the floor. Chills ran over his bare skin, bringing him to awareness quickly. He rubbed his forehead and groaned.

He'd shifted. Again.

He actually remembered something. For the first time images of his hours as a wolf floated through his head. He recalled feeling a cold breeze against his body, and a woman's scream.

He looked at his hands, his chest, and the rest of his body. No cuts or marks, and thankfully, no blood. Perhaps it was his beastly presence that had caused the woman to scream.

He could only hope.

On shaky legs he staggered into his room to dress. He needed to sneak downstairs through the hidden tunnels of the manor to discover what had happened last night. If there had been another killing, he'd know soon enough.

Keeping a prayer in his heart, he pulled on his clothes. He didn't know how he'd react if he discovered he'd killed again.

After donning his long, black hooded cape, he snuck through the secret tunnel passageways that only he knew about. The first room he stopped at was the parlor. That was where his brothers and sister-in-law would be at this time of the day. Since he'd gone into hiding, he'd spied on his family. Many years ago, his father had created these magical mirrors when he'd been having problems with his servants. From inside the room, it appeared like a normal mirror, but outside in the secret tunnels, it was used as a window. This was how Justin stayed in touch with the real world.

The cold draft coming from the dark tunnel swept across his feet. He located the spot on the wall and pulled back the covering over the mirror to look on the other side.

Instead of seeing Roderick and Bethany, the only person in the room was Victoria. His heart sank. She hadn't heeded his warning last night. What could he do to get her to leave? She must. For his well-being and especially for hers.

He knew he shouldn't watch her, but her beauty hypnotized him. She looked prettier this morning in her bright yellow day dress. Instead of curls framing her head like yesterday, her hair hung over her shoulders in long waves, the sides pulled back on top of her head and secured with a yellow ribbon.

Victoria moved through the room, running her fingers lightly along each piece of furniture as she passed it. When she reached the pianoforte, she stopped and glanced over her shoulder toward the door. She turned and sat on the stool as she placed her fingers over the keys. Closing her eyes, she smiled.

Excitement leapt in his chest. It wasn't very often he witnessed the joy on someone else's face when they sat at a musical instrument. He liked seeing this. Liked it too much.

Her fingers lightly grazed the keys, but she didn't play. Could she be afraid of being reprimanded? Then again, maybe it was a good thing. Bethany absolutely hated having anyone play the instrument since she didn't want anyone to play better than her. And most people did.

Heavy footsteps pounded down the hall, tearing Victoria away from the pianoforte. Seconds later, Jonathan appeared. The young pup smiled, stepped to her and took her hands in his.

"Are you ready?"

She nodded. "My maid should be here momentarily, although, I still feel going out for a ride is not right while your household is in turmoil."

Justin's heart sank. Turmoil?

"No need to fear, my sweet. As I told you before, Bethany and Roderick will take care of everything. Bethany will make certain Sarah's body is prepared for burial."

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