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Today was All Hallow's Eve—Jonathan's birthday.

Victoria stood in front of the full-length mirror as Mrs. White helped her with the finishing touches of her costume. Puffy sleeves that started out big at her shoulders, tapered down to her elbow. The square neck bodice dipped too low, showing off quite enough skin, in Victoria's opinion. Around the waist fit her snugly, but the skirt ballooned out with help from the hoops underneath. Deep blood-red silk material of the she-Devil gown made Victoria's face pale. To add insult to injury, Mrs. White caked on more face powder, making her appear like a walking corpse.

Victoria tried not to grimace as she stared at her reflection. What was Bethany thinking to buy this for her? Then again, she'd fit in very well with the rest of the people coming to the masked ball since they would all be dressed differently.

Mrs. White fluffed Victoria's wavy hair, creating a wild look. She wished the housekeeper had wound it in a tight bun, instead. Victoria didn't enjoy looking like a harlot.

"I must say, Miss Victoria, you are very pretty tonight. Jonathan will be very pleased."

Forcing a faux smile, Victoria nodded to the servant. "I sincerely hope I don't stand out. Being center of attention is not my forte. I've never been to a mask ball before. Will others be dressed as I?"

"But of course." Mrs. White chuckled. "And I promise, you will not stand out. Mistress Maitland usually dresses above everyone. She will be the one standing out, I assure you."

"Splendid. That does make me feel reassured." And knowing Bethany, Victoria was sure the housekeeper was right.

Mrs. White stepped to the small table in Victoria's bedchamber and picked up the she-Devil mask outlined with white beads. "Don't forget this."

"Thank you, Mrs. White. I don't know what I would have done without you."

The older servant beamed as she walked Victoria to the door. "Please enjoy yourself tonight. Jonathan is especially looking forward to spending this special evening with you, Miss Victoria."

Her heart sank in dread. She fervently hoped he wouldn't try to get her alone—or heaven forbid, attempt to ask her a serious question in front of his guests. Victoria didn't know how she would answer without being rude. No, she couldn't be rude. She had a quick wit, and would think of something to say if the occasion arose.

She prayed the occasion didn't arise.

As she made her way down the grand staircase, the musicians were beginning to play. Roderick and Bethany stood by the front door and greeted guests who were lined up outside. Just as Mrs. White had promised, Bethany stood out. The Mistress of Maitland Manor wore a glittery white silk gown that cascaded around her thin frame. Attached to the woman's back were fairy wings, and in her hand, a fairy wand.

Victoria snickered to herself. Apparently, she wanted to look like a good witch tonight instead of her true self.

Beside Bethany, Roderick stood, trying to look debonair in a pirate's costume. Victoria was certain he would attempt to make many women swoon tonight with his swashbuckling air of confidence and large sword tied to his waist. She only hoped the women would resist.

Victoria swept her gaze around the ballroom as she entered, looking for Jonathan. He stood with a group of people, who all sipped a flute of champagne. Upon seeing his costume, she groaned. Now she knew why she was dressed as the she-Devil. Jonathan was dressed as her companion—Satan himself. Even if she used the mask, the guests would assume Victoria was with him.

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