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Victoria held her breath. There was no reason why Mrs. White would lie. Yet, what reason could Jonathan have for lying? Or perhaps he had a short memory.

Without being able to stop them, tears stung Victoria's eyes. She blinked them away. Frustration built inside her like a dam ready to overflow.

"Victoria, my dear." He grasped her hands. "Why are you crying?"


"But you're about to." He placed a finger under her chin and tilted her face so she could meet his gaze. "Why are you upset?"

She wiped her eyes. "Amelia was a good friend of mine. If she never arrived, that means...that means..." She shook her head and took a deep breath. "What if something terrible happened to her?"

"Shh, no need to fret, my dear. I shall contact the authorities and have them investigate the matter. We'll find your friend, I assure you."

Victoria tried to stay brave, but fresh tears threatened to stream down her cheeks. She couldn't allow herself to cry. Not now. For as long as she could remember, she'd been strong in front of people. Never had she experienced a mental breakdown, but the more she was at Maitland Manor, the more she felt like she was floating on a cloud, looking down into a dollhouse.

She bit her lip and breathed deeply, forcing herself to stay strong. She had lost her father in a tragic way, and she didn't know what she'd do if she learned Amelia had the same dreadful end. Where else could her friend be? Victoria must believe Jonathan would help her. That was the only hope she could hold on to at the moment.

* * * *

The hour was late, well past midnight. Justin walked softly down the corridor toward Victoria's room, listening carefully for any sounds.

Thankfully, tonight his amorous brother had decided to stay in his own bedroom instead of visiting one of the maids. Justin shook his head. One day Roderick would pay for his infidelity. Hadn't his brother learned from their own father's mistakes?

It had been no secret Jonathan was the product of their father's dalliance with one of the maids. Justin didn't know who she was, but he'd been told the woman killed herself shortly after she bore the child because Henry, Justin's father, wouldn't marry her.

Due to the dubious status of his birth, Jonathan had never been treated properly as a child by the other children his age. It wasn't fair, but children like Jonathan were always disadvantaged.

Justin stopped in front of Victoria's door. Glancing up and down the hall, he made certain the corridor was clear. He took the key from the pocket of his hooded cape, gently slid it in to the keyhole, and turned.

Taking a deep breath, he edged open the door and slipped inside. Just as last night, the room was dark. A small light slid through the heavy drapes, barely outlining the form beneath the bed covers.

He crept to the foot of the bed, giving his eyes time to adjust to the darkness. Victoria didn't move. Then again, she hadn't last night, either. Not for a few minutes, anyhow. He'd give her a little time to hear the different sounds in the room before he made himself known.

He'd thought about her all day, wanting to talk to her as a man, not as a beast. Yet he was a beast. Justin didn't dare tell her the truth, so he must convince her to leave in other ways. He couldn't allow anything to happen to her.

Her beauty tempted him more than he'd anticipated. Those feelings were not allowed. With her in the house, he feared she would wreak havoc with his isolated world.

From behind, the floor creaked, and suddenly, something long and hard pushed into his back. He sucked in a quick breath.

"Don't move or I'll shoot."

Victoria's voice shook, as did the long rod pressing into him. Shoot him? If only the bullet would pierce his heart and end his tortured life. Unfortunately, nothing could kill him.

Her bravery made his heart light. Not many women would act with such boldness. He admired her quick wit. So much like her father.

He held out his arms from his body. "I'm not going to move."

"Why are you here?"

"I came to warn you, again."

"As I surmised. Turn around and let me see your face."

He stilled his breathing for a moment, yet his heartbeat knocked crazily against his ribs. "That's an impossible request."

"Who are you?"

He chuckled, his panic slightly easing. "Have you not heard of the East Wing ghost?"

"Sir, I do not believe in ghosts." She jabbed the rod into his back a little harder. "Besides, if you were a ghost, I would not be able to accomplish this."

Very intelligent woman. Another trait she must have inherited from her father.

Justin remained still for a few minutes. Her ragged breathing didn't slow, but the point stuck in his back relaxed.

In a quick motion, he jerked around and grabbed the weapon from her hands. A squeak came from her throat as she backed against the wall. Her clasped hands clutched her nightgown near her neck. He couldn't see her face, but he guessed her skin would probably be as pale as a ghost's.

She gasped. "Please, don't hurt me."

He looked at the weapon in his hand and almost chuckled. "Miss Fawson, I'm not going to hurt you, especially with a broom stick. I'm only here to protect you."

She shook her head. "I don't even know you."

"And I would like to keep things that way."

"I—I don't understand."

"Just understand this. You are in danger. You must leave. I don't know how else to make you believe the risk you undertake by staying here. Please, heed my word. Take your maid and leave first thing in the morning."

He swung around and left her, clutching the broom handle in his hand. With each footstep closer to his domain, he prayed she would follow his counsel. He couldn't live with himself if he so much as harmed a hair on her head.

He'd no idea how or why he became the beast. The witch had told him it was lust that changed him. Certainly, he'd not desired the serving girl, Sarah.

If only he could think of a way to break the curse. The witch came to him every so often and demanded he love her. That, he would not do.


Although, recently, the witch had demanded something else. She now wanted him to turn over the treasure map. Apparently she thought Peter Fawson had given him a map that located the treasure on Slumbering Giant. Justin didn't know where it was, but she thought differently.

After reaching his domain, he made certain the door closed behind him securely and hurried down the long, dark, cold hallway to his chambers. He stopped at the fireplace and threw in a couple of logs that would last through the night. Straightening, he stared into the growing fire.

Perhaps the key to his curse lay with Victoria. Would her father know about a treasure on the island? If so, would he have told his daughter?

Justin shook his head and moved away from the fire. It didn't matter if Victoria knew or not. If the witch suspected, Victoria's life would indeed be in peril.

Fear clenched in his gut. Although knowing the location of the map might break his curse, Victoria's life was more important. One way or another he needed to get her out of here. Fast.

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