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Warmth and comfort surrounded Victoria, and she wanted to keep sleeping. But the stirring of the person beside her caused her body to awaken. When her mind became alert, she realized she still lay in Justin's arms. He trailed soft kisses over her face, her eyes, her nose, down her cheeks, to her mouth.

Moaning softly, she kept her eyes closed and wrapped her arms around his neck and opened her mouth for his seeking kiss. Excitement took over, and they kissed passionately. Love grew inside her, and she couldn't wait to become his wife. Her father would indeed smile down on them from heaven.

"Victoria, my sweet," Justin muttered against her lips.


"I didn't shift last night."

She chuckled, continuing to brush her lips against his in a tender caress. "Of course not, silly. You were too exhausted."

His body shook with a laugh, but he didn't stop kissing her. His hands swept over her hair, down her neck and shoulders, then around her back as he gathered her closer. She, too, enjoyed touching him; his wide chest, his strong shoulders, and his beautiful face. As she cupped his face, she stroked her fingers across his scars...

Gasping, she pulled away and blinked open her eyes.

"What is it my dear?" he asked with a smile.

Not believing what she was seeing, she ran her fingertips over his face again—his skin smoother than what she'd been used to touching. Although she knew this was Justin Maitland, a new countenance took over his appearance.

"Your scars are gone."

"What?" He jerked up straight and felt his face. "I can't believe it." He jumped off the sofa and ran to her full-length mirror standing in the corner of the room.

She moved off the sofa and followed him. He stared dumbfounded at his reflection, as he touched his cheek.

"They're gone," he whispered reverently. "I look different. Almost the way I used to before the curse."

"You do look different, in a way. But you are still very handsome to me."

He turned and took her back in his arms. "Do you suppose the curse was lifted? I mean, if my scars are gone, could that mean the curse is gone?"

Victoria hitched a breath and covered her mouth, her eyes widening from the realization. "Oh, Justin." She dropped her hand. "It very well could be. Mrs. White lied to you about killing innocent women as the wolf, so it's plausible she would lie to you about the curse as well. She wanted to be the one controlling you, and by making you believe that if she died the curse would stay with you, makes me think that all of her words were lies."

"Victoria, I do feel different. I feel like a great burden has been lifted from my shoulders." He laughed joyfully and spun her around. "Oh, this is an amazing day, indeed, my love!"

Justin captured her mouth again in an electrifying kiss that left her knees weak. But a knock on the door had the wonderful kiss ending too soon.

She adjusted her wrinkled gown, hoping that nobody noticed she'd slept in it, and went to the door. When she opened it, Francine stood on the other side, twisting her hands against her middle, wearing that worried expression Victoria knew so well. "What's wrong, Francine?"

"It's Master Jonathan. Something is wrong with him. He's in his room, and not doing well at all."

Justin released a curse and hurried past Victoria and Francine, taking long strides toward Jonathan's bedchambers. Victoria and her maid hurried after him. She hoped nothing terrible was wrong with Jonathan, and could only pray his curse had been lifted as well.

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