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Jonathan stood with a group of estate servants, one of whom sported blood spots on his apron and hands. Victoria guessed him to be the butcher. Next to him, Mrs. White sobbed into her hands.

"Who is dead?" Bethany asked.

"Sarah. She helps in the kitchen," Mrs. White answered sadly.

Victoria swallowed hard. "Are you certain it was the wolf?"

"Mrs. White saw her." Jonathan's voice shook. "Sarah's throat had been ripped open and her face shredded by claw marks."

"Good heavens, man, mind your tongue. There are ladies present." Roderick mumbled a curse and raked his fingers through his hair. Bethany blinked, tears pooling in her eyes.

Victoria didn't dare speak. She didn't know these people, but she felt their loss.

Jonathan lifted his head and looked directly at her, his face etched with worry lines. Taking three strides, he stopped in front of her. He took her hands in his and squeezed.

"Are you all right?"

She offered a weak smile. "I should be asking you that." She glanced to his servants, then back to him. "What can I do to help?"

He shook his head. "There's nothing to be done, my sweet. The white wolf has come out of hiding again. We all know he'll disappear for a few months before he strikes again."

Fear lodged itself in Victoria's chest, an emotion she didn't welcome. She shouldn't be here, yet she couldn't leave the manor now. Not until she found some answers. Somehow she had to stay regardless. "Do—do you think I should return home?"

He frowned. "Is that what you wish?"

"No. I would very much like to stay."

"I'd like that, too." He brought her hands up to his mouth and kissed her knuckles.

"Is there anything I can do to assist now?"

Jonathan glanced over his shoulder at the mournful servants. "No. My brother and sister-in-law will take care of things here." With one hand under her elbow, he led her down the hall toward the drawing room. "I'd very much like to take you for a carriage ride shortly." He bowed. "If you will excuse me, I'll change before we leave."

"A ride so soon after a servant's death? Don't you fear for our safety?"

"We know the white wolf's pattern. He has gone back into hiding. We'll be safe for a while, I assure you." He shrugged. "Besides, he only comes out at night."

"Very well. I'll instruct my maid to get our things ready."

"Your maid?" His brows lifted.

"But of course, unless you know someone else who might serve as a proper chaperone?"

He smiled. "Your maid is fine."

When Jonathan left, Victoria hurried toward her own room, hoping to find Francine. Victoria looked forward to the ride with Jonathan. There were so many questions she had. Only he could answer them for her since Justin was dead. She didn't trust Roderick or Bethany.

After checking her room, she stepped down the hall to Francine's room and knocked. Her maid opened the door almost immediately.

"Oh, good. You're here. I need your assistance. Jonathan is taking me for a buggy ride soon, and you'll have to be my chaperone."

Francine's eyes widened. "Indeed? How exciting. Let me tell Mrs. White. I fear she has me loaded with duties today."

"Hurry. I don't want anything to stop us from going."

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