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"You have been with the Maitland family for ten years now, and so it's hard to inform you that we no longer require your services. I shall give you a reference for your future employment, but for personal reasons I will not explain, you cannot stay. You'll receive two months' pay, which is more than enough to establish you elsewhere. Please accept my gratitude for all you have done for my family."

Victoria wondered if it was Mrs. White. Apparently, Roderick and Bethany never received their letters, so Mrs. White didn't receive hers, either.

She put the missive back and pulled out the next one. Anne Shultz was written across the top. Anne was the woman Roderick had been sneaking a kiss from on Victoria's first day at the manor.

"Due to my dissatisfaction with your services to the Maitland family of late, you are hereby released to seek alternative employment. No reference will be forthcoming, but you will, however, receive a month's wages."

All of this was very intriguing, and she couldn't wait to ask Justin why the letters were not sent. He'd mentioned he'd been writing them before the witch came. Perhaps that was the reason they were not delivered.

Victoria placed them back in the drawer and pushed it closed. She stood and glanced around the room, wondering where she should look next. Heavy footsteps vibrated outside the bedroom door. Her heart sank.

Heaven help her! She was going to get caught!

* * * *

Bethany sashayed into the parlor then came to a complete stop. Jonathan sat at the table staring at the untouched chess set as he leaned forward on his elbows. His hands bracketed his face, his fingers rubbing circles against his temple. It appeared as if the weight of the world rested on his shoulders.

Her heart wrenched, as it had always done since they first met. He was a little younger than she, not only in body but also in mind. Of course, back then she had thought of nothing but Justin, so there was no room for Jonathan to enter.

Now, he was just her younger brother. The brother she'd never had. It pleased her to look after him and take care of his needs, especially now as his mind grew weak. Since Roderick hadn't given her any children, caring for Jonathan made her feel like a mother.

Bethany closed the door behind her and with a soft step, moved to Jonathan. When she reached him, she stroked his wavy hair. "What's on your mind this afternoon?"

He jumped only slightly, but didn't turn his head. "The same thing that has always been on my mind."

"Finding a wife?"

"Do you think I will find one before..." He sighed heavily. "Before I meet my maker?"

Sadness filled her and she moved to his side, sitting on the empty chair. She slipped her hands over his and removed them from his head.

"I'll not hear you talk like that." She met his gaze directly. "You're not going to die before you're married."

A weak grin tugged at the corners of his mouth. "My mind is getting worse, you know. I wake in the morning and cannot remember much about the day before." He stared at their clasped hands, his smile disappearing. "I can see it on Victoria's face. She thinks I'm insane."

"Nonsense. She's still getting to know you. Give her time."

He shook his head. "I feel as if this is my last chance. How many women have we invited to the manor in the past year? A dozen? More? And they have all disappeared within a few days."

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