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The other woman's words confused Victoria, and she shook her head. "Mrs. Williams, why do you think such a thing? Haven't you heard Jonathan's sister-in-law has brought many women to the manor in hopes of courting him."

The woman crinkled her brow. "Many, you say?"

"Yes. In fact, my friend, Amelia Hartley was one of them."

"Emmet Hartley's granddaughter?"


"How did she find the Maitland family?"

"I wish I knew." Victoria sighed heavily. "She has disappeared. She was on her way to meet Jonathan, but apparently, left after only being there a few hours. That was several weeks ago."

Mrs. Williams sucked in a quick breath, placing her hand on her bosom. "Amelia Hartley hasn't returned?"

"No. And nobody knows where she is."

"That's dreadful." The older woman's lips thinned with her stern expression. "I suspect the Maitland family knows more than they're telling."

"What makes you think—"

"Miss Fawson," Jonathan called as he hurried to her, handing her a sticky-bun. "I hope you don't mind that I bought you one."

Pulling away from Mrs. Williams, Victoria smiled at him. "Not at all." She snuck a glance at the other woman who still frowned.

Mrs. Williams nodded to her and gave a small curtsy to Jonathan before mumbling an excuse and leaving.

Slowly, she stepped out of the bakery shop beside Jonathan. Outwardly, people seemed nice and polite to him, but behind his back, they thought he was not in his right mind. Then again, Victoria had thought that same thing, as well. Mrs. Williams certainly didn't trust Jonathan—or any of his family.


"Yes," he asked before taking another bite of his roll.

"Did you talk to the baker about my friend?"

Jonathan narrowed his gaze on her, confusion in his expression—a look Victoria was familiar with already.

"What friend?" he asked.

"Amelia Hartley. Remember, you brought me to town to ask people questions about my friend."

"Victoria, my dear, I know not of what you're saying. I promised you no such thing."

Her chest clenched with uncertainty again. Why could he not remember? She wasn't the one going insane, he was!

Ignoring him, she turned and bit into her roll as tears of confusion stung her eyes. As much as she didn't want to live with her uncle, his little cottage was becoming more and more a place where she couldn't wait to return.

Soon, she reminded herself. Soon she would discover the answers she needed and leave the Maitland Manor as quickly as she'd come.

They didn't stay in town for very long before Jonathan brought her home. Victoria rushed to her room and shut and locked the door as tears brimmed in her eyes.

With a sinking heart, Victoria threw herself on the bed and pressed her face into her pillow. She couldn't ask Jonathan for assistance when the poor man needed help himself. And what bothered her more, Bethany and Roderick knew this and still continued to try and find him a wife.

As much as this place—and the family—confused her, she couldn't leave. If only she could find one simple fact that would lead her to her friend. And if only she discovered why and how her father had died, she'd be out of this manor in an instant. She'd miss Justin, but right now she had to concentrate on other things.

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