Chapter 1: A Case of Pterodactyl

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Hello my sweet Karamel fam. How're you holding up? Are you tired of all the heartbreak? No worries, cause I'm back with a fun fic XD

So this fic wasn't even supposed to be a fic, it was a stupid idea that grew bigger and bigger like how a snowball turns into an avalanche! LOL
I'm aware not that many are fans of Dinosaurs, but to tell you the truth I'm not a big fan either. So I ask if you give it a try, just read the few first chapters and see how things unfold. It's not just about Dinos, it's supposed to be just fun, I promise ;)


Kara Danvers clutched to her coffee-to-go so hard, as though begging the steaming hot liquid inside the paper cup to give her courage to survive yet another Monday. Ugh, she hated Mondays. it was the worst day of the week.

The elevator doors dinged open and revealed a crazy buzzing bullpen, with people running around frantically. The constant ringing of telephones in the background could go undetected due to the loud shouting and chatter that echoed from every corner of the floor.

"Here we go again!" Kara muttered under her breath as she dodged coworkers to get to her desk which was stacked with a pile of articles she had to proofread as a part of her job between working on her own articles.

Kara dropped on her chair and took a long sip of her Latte, before reaching for the first file. This huge amount of work was ridiculous, but she knew the reason why. All the media outlets these days were hyped and extra busy because –


Snapper's yell made the floor grow quiet for a few seconds and Kara almost spilled her drink in her hurry to respond.



The office went back to normal and Kara rushed to get to her boss. Great! What had she done wrong this time?

The first thing Kara noticed when she stepped inside the office, was the news on the muted screens, continuously showing footage of the exotic creatures that had been dead for the past sixty-six million years. Dinosaurs back to life! And of course, people were going nuts over this. All thanks to a bunch of rich people who had decided to fund some scientists' crazy idea to clone these ancient fossils and made a zoo of them for people to come and see. Meanwhile, they made a huge profit out of it and even had the audacity to call it "Jurassic Park". What a stupid name! Who had even chosen to call it a park? This was NO park! At least not for amusement.

"What can I do for you chief?" Kara asked Snapper who hadn't even raised his head from his place behind the desk which used to belong to the famous (or infamous) Cat Grant not so long ago.

"Ponytail, I want you to run down to this madhouse and get me an article about the dragon trainer there." Snapper pointed to the screens behind him with the end of his pen.

Kara's jaw dropped. "You mean Jurassic Park? But you already assigned me to do that interview with the Baseball player-"

"No one cares about Baseball right now Danvers. That was yesterday. Today it's all about dragons."

"You mean Dinosaurs?"

For the first time since she had stepped inside the office, Snapper raised his bald head and looked at her through his thick lenses wearily.

"You go today." He completely ignored her correcting him. "His name is Matthews something. He's training these monsters there. I expect a full report on what he does over there by Wednesday."

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