Chapter 7: Fast and Furious by Tiger Lilly

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Kara shouted her sister's name in disbelief. Alex smiled briefly and inched closer to them so much so that the jeep's front bumpers were almost touching the truck's rear bumpers.

"Look! I found our Tiger Lilly!" Mike laughed at her surprised face. Kara laughed back at him, still in a daze.

"Kara, We're going to jump, ok?" Mike wrapped his left arm around her waist tightly, tucking her to his side. The laptop was secured over his chest into the dark overall he was wearing.

"Whaa -?"

"WHAT THE HELL?! YOU!" Max Lord's angry yell came from behind them, shouting through the small window that connected the front seats to the back of the truck. It was about time for him to find out his plans had all been ruined. "STOP THEM!" He ordered Brainy, but the scared geek didn't move.

"Forget him. On three." Mike said and Kara stared at him flabbergasted. "One..." Hold on, did he mean Alex was like Tiger Lilly? Huh, that sounded about right. "...Two..." Wait, did he just say they were going to jump? "...Three!" Hell no she was nowhere near ready!


She screamed loudly as she felt her feet not touching the ground anymore and closed her eyes shut.

They crashed onto the jeep's hood and if it weren't for Mike's strong hold on her body, Kara would have fallen and turned into pieces on the ground. She clung to him with everything she had and refused to let her eyes open. She felt Alex deaccelerate immediately, letting Maxwell and his bandits get farther away.

Only when the car came to a full stop, did Kara dare to peek and even then her head was spinning like she had been on a roller coaster. No, this was worse than a roller coaster. They slipped off the hood and Alex jumped out of her seat and rushed to pull her still dazed younger sister into a bear hug. "Kara!"

"Alex! How are you here?" Kara hugged her back, so happy to have her sister with her at this moment. She didn't really need to figure out how she was here though. It was Alex they were talking about, after all. She would be anywhere Kara needed her no matter how.

"I came as soon as I heard! Oh my God! What the hell were you thinking, jumping off the chopper like that?!" Alex pushed Kara out of the embrace and scolded her. That was it. The sweet reunion was over.

"I don't know... it just happened." Kara glanced at Mike who was watching them curiously with a soft smile.

"I can't believe it!" Alex went to take her place behind the wheels again, still fuming. "You will explain to me everything when we get to the Headquarters!"

Kara didn't argue and went to sit inside the jeep next to Alex and fastened her seatbelt like a normal person would and where it was safer than riding the hood. Mike hopped on the back seat without opening the door and Alex didn't waste time to push on the accelerator and turned to drive them away in the opposite direction. There was a chance Max Lord would be coming after them any moment. He hadn't come for them yet though. Maybe he wanted to get out of here either way, with or without hostage.

"Mike! How did you do it? I heard the gun go off and ..." Kara turned to ask him, eager to know how he had tricked death.

"Well, Tiger Lilly here showed up out of nowhere," Mike smirked and pointed at Alex who frowned and protested. "Who the hell is Tiger Lilly?! The name's Alex!"

Neither bothered to tell her why Mike called her by that name. It was a long story. "Anyways, I did try to stop that guy, but you know how hard it is when you want to fight with your hands tied behind your back and I thought I was a goner, then I saw her jumped on the guy from a tree like a tigress and kicked him into unconsciousness in two seconds with her ninja moves, then we decided quickly that I should take his place to come and save you. I wore the clothes and Alex made an air shot to fake my death. "

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