Chapter 13: Something Wicked This Way Comes

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"I see you finally made it!"

Lillian, the eldest of the Luthor family, looked down at them ominously as though a hunter smiling at her captured preys. Oddly Lena was nowhere to be seen.

Kara clearly felt Alex stiffening next to her and getting into a ready stance as her right hand went to her handgun hidden inside the vest she was wearing. Kara decided to make a conversation in hopes of preventing anything that was coming their way with reason. It was a long shot yet she had to try.

"What do you want from us Lillian? Isn't this already enough? Your Park is in ruins. What does it matter if we know about these secret labs? It's not like we can prove any of it anyway!" Kara spoke loud and clear for her to hear.

"You think I care about the Park? You liar! I knew it from the moment I heard your name, that you are colluding with Lord! That's all your family ever do! Kara Danvers, or should I say Kara Elmar? Daughter of Alura and Zachariah Elmar?"

Kara gasped and stumbled backward. "How- how do you know that?!"

"You think I'd forget the names of the people responsible for putting my genius son behind bars for life?"

"What are you talking about?"

"You ignorant stupid girl! You call yourself a reporter, yet you haven't even got the clue!" Lillian insulted Kara in disdain and added, "You don't even know that your mother, Alura, was the judge who condemned my patriot son to life imprisonment!"

Kara's eyes grew wide. "What? That's not true!" She had had read all the reports on Lex Luthor's trials. The judge's name was never mentioned. Doubt filled her mind.

Alex put her hand on Kara's shoulder in order to calm her and snapped at Lillian. "Shut up Lillian!"

Lillian laughed drily. "Why do you keep the truth from her Alexandra? Why don't you tell her why her parents died? You know what I'm talking about. I've seen your name so often on the request list to check out the file case."

Kara stared at Alex appalled, completely blown away, wordlessly asking her to say Lillian was saying rubbish to throw them off. But Alex did no such thing and instead looked away with sad eyes and a trembling lower lip.

"Alex..." Kara's voice cracked.

"Kara," Alex looked back directly at Kara with tears in her eyes, making Kara stop breathing altogether. "I... I should have told you when I found out, but- but I didn't want to hurt you by forcing you to go through the pain all over again."

"Alex, please, what are you talking about?" Kara whimpered.

"Your parents didn't die in a random accident. They... the car crash was all a setup. Their car was bombed and the man who drove you off-road, he was suspected to be working for Lex Luthor."

If it weren't for Alex's arms on hers, Kara was sure she would have fallen hard to the ground. Having no power left in her body to stand, Kara slid to her knees as Alex tried to hold her upright.

"Kara? Kara listen to me! I've been trying to reopen the case and I was hoping to break it to you when I actually had a solid lead, but the Luthors, they've taken care of everything. The driver is dead and I hit walls everywhere I went."

"My parents...they were killed..." She hadn't registered a word beyond what Alex had said about the car being bombed.

"YOU BITCH!" Alex roared at the nefarious woman who was watching them over in delight as if watching her favorite soap opera.

"Since you're already at it, Alexandra, why don't you go ahead and tell her why she was adopted by your family and forced to change her last name?"

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