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    You guys are too quiet so here is something to cheer you up. I hope you like Jonathan better after this.


   "Hey Wolf. By any chance do you know this lovely lady?"

"I don't like games Damiano. What do you want?"

"I want you to stay on your end of town and stop hijacking my shipment. Simple"

"And if I don't?"

"Then I kill this puttana right here"

Wolf laughed. "You say that like its supposed to mean something to me"

"You've been visiting her a lot lately so she has to mean something to you" Damiano said but his voice wavered. For the first time they'd found a bargaining chip to use against Wolf but the man didn't look like he cared. If this didn't work then he and his men were dead for sure.

"So what? I enjoy her pussy once in a while. And that mouth of hers can suck a man to oblivion but that doesn't mean I give a shit about her. Come on Damiano did you think for a second that I'd gone soft?" Wolf asked hoping they wouldn't see he was bluffing.

"Well then. Let's test that theory now shall we?"  BANG!

Jonathan startled awake sweating profusely. He couldn't get that day out of his head no matter what he did. Gradually that day had imprinted itself in his head keeping him awake everyday. He couldn't shake off the guilt he felt or the way Lilith's brains had spread on to his shoes. Granted he'd killed that son of a bitch Damiano but it still wasn't enough. He'd said some awful things about Lilith and even though she was a prostitute, she didn't deserve that. At the back of his mind he knew that day would be with him for the rest of his life. He wasn't a saint. He had a lot of demons that haunted him but that particular incident ranked on top of the list. Wiping the sweat off his forehead with the back of his hand, he threw the covers off and swung his legs over the bed.

Now that he couldn't go back to sleep he was going to pass time in the gym. It was the one place he could clear his head. He hit the treadmill with force working his muscles to the extent that they screamed in pain but he still kept going. Some days the guilt was easier to live with while others it was worse. All he kept thinking about was that he could have saved her. If he had put his pride aside and not acted like an asshole then he could have saved her. But he didn't and now she was dead because of him. He increased the speed going faster than his legs could carry him but he didn't give up. All too soon the machine slowed down bringing him out of his dark thoughts. "Are you trying to kill yourself?" Pasquale asked looking at him like he was a mad man.

"Fuck off"

"What's crawled up your ass so early in the morning?"

"Can't a man have one moment of peace?"

"Have you tried going to church?"

"What do you want?" Jonathan gave up trying to get Pasquale to leave him alone. The gym was in an underground part of the house that hosted a few cells where they kept their prisoners which meant there were no windows but if this idiot in front of him was awake then it meant it was already morning.

"The shipment arrived safely and it's secured at the warehouse. When you aren't feeling so bitchy please go and make sure everything is in order before we send it out"

If it was someone else, they would be dead with a bullet between their eyes if they dared talk to him like that. But he and Pasquale had been friends for long time before they'd joined the organization so he got a pass. "Fine" Jonathan grumbled then left the gym. It's not like he needed to work out anyway. His ate well and his vigorous activities kept him from retaining any fat. Heading to his room he thought about Jennifer and if she would call him this time.

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