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           "What do you mean it was a woman who shot me?"

"We tracked her down to the hotel room she was staying in but by the time we got there, she was long gone." Jonathan just stared at Pasquale waiting for him to continue. "Right. She used fake credentials to check in. I don't even think her hair color or eyes were real. She also wore a ski mask so we didn't really see her face in the video Lucas found."

"Great. Good work Pascal" he retorted. What was the use of having all these resources he had if his men couldn't do one simple task?

"Listen Jonathan. We'll find her. I promise you"


"Yes boss"

"Get the fuck out of my office. Don't come back until you have her"

"Yes sir" he left making sure to bang the door louder than necessary.

"Someone is certainly in a bad mood" Jonathan murmured to himself looking at his phone. It had been three days since he'd left the hospital and he still couldn't bring himself to call Jennifer. She'd stopped calling though. He didn't know how he felt about that. Had she given up on him already? Did he want her to give up? He was confused about how he felt and he was also in pain not having  followed the doctors instructions to rest. How could he? Someone had tried to kill him. It didn't matter how cold hearted you were, that kind of thing put you on defense mode especially if the killer was still out there. He needed to know who it was and why. Obviously he had enemies but since Damiano, no one had even attempted to come close to him. Whoever it was had to have a death wish or knew he couldn't find them.

What they didn't know was that he had all sorts of connections. "Glad to know you're up and running again" Nathaniel said from the other end.

"Have you found anything about the shooting?"

"Working on it"

"Get me the identity of that woman and I'll take it from there"

"Okay" he hung up. Jonathan looked at his phone shocked. Why the hell would Nathaniel hang up on him? Hanging up on people was his forte. Not the other way around. Unless he was hiding something. Could he have been behind the shooting? No. It was a woman. And why would Nathaniel hide the identity of that woman? The only people he would protect were Brianna and...... Son of a bitch. Cassandra. He shot up from his chair too fast but fell back down when his hand protested in pain.

"Damn it. What are you up to now Cassie?" he asked himself just as the door opened revealing Penny. "Ever heard of knocking?" he snapped and she flinched.

Swallowing visibly she said "It's time for your medicine" she moved forward placing the bottles on his desk. He thought she would leave but she just stood there wringing her hands. He felt a little bad for snapping at her but he wasn't going to apologize. That was his office where he had important meetings which meant everyone had to knock. He also noticed that she hadn't apologized.

"Spit it out Penny. What do you want now?"


"Leave? You've worked here for less than a week and you want leave already"

"No.... I..... I...." she swallowed again then raised her chin squaring her shoulders. "I want to leave. You're fine and I think the hospital needs me more than you do"

"Do you not like it here?" it bothered him that she wanted to leave. He still hadn't decided if he liked her or not. That's why he wanted to keep her there, until he figured out his feelings.

"It's a nice house and your family is kind. But like I said, I think I should go back to the hospital"

"I hear you. But the answer is no. You're staying here until I say I don't need you anymore"

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