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"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I just need a minute" Jenna said straightening her dress. She couldn't believe they just did that. What if someone had walked in on them? What if that someone had been Daniella his current girlfriend? What excuse could she have used to explain herself? They were divorced. The whole world knew they weren't together anymore. What was wrong with her?

"Why won't you look at me Jennifer?" he asked trying to get her to look at him but she couldn't. This was all wrong. She had no claim over him. Not anymore.

"Please leave me alone" her traitorous voice shook giving her away. She didn't want to cry in front of him.

"Come on Jennifer don't shut me out. Not now that....."

"That we've what Jeremy?" she cut him off fuming.

"Jennifer you're the one who left me. You told me to move on"

"Then why are you here? Why did you follow me?"

"Because I wanted to be sure." he said in a defeated tone. Jenna didn't want him to sound defeated. She wanted him to fight with her, say hurtful things that would stop her from going back to him. Having sex with him had reminded her of a time when they were good together. A time when nothing was keeping them apart. She wanted to go back to the way it was. But he had already moved on so there was no going back.

"Sure about what?" Jenna asked irritated.

"That there was still something between us."

"We are over Jeremy. There is nothi...." his lips were on top of hers, silencing whatever it is she wanted to say. It was unfair how the moment he touched her, everything else faded away leaving only the two of them. How was she supposed to move on from that? Holding her face in his hands, he pulled back and stared into her eyes.

"Don't tell me there is nothing between us. What we have shouldn't be referred to as nothing. I told that you were it for me and I meant it. No one is going to replace you Jennifer."


"Means nothing to me."

"Then why are you with her?"

He stepped back sighing "It's complicated..."

"Will you please stop. Just stop Jeremy."

"I swear it's not what you think"

"Leave" she pointed to the door. He hesitated and she thought he was going to try and justify his actions but he changed his mind the last minute. He walked to the door, glanced at her one last time then left, closing it softly. Jenna leaned on the sink trying not to give in to the pain that wanted to suffocate her. Jeremy was right. She was the one who had divorced him because she couldn't let go of her past. He had been willing to do whatever she wanted but she had been so adamant on breaking all ties with her mother that she also left her husband. It was her fault he was moving on. Determined not to fall apart in a public place, she pulled herself together then exited the bathroom only to bump into Daniel Maxwell.

"Jere sent me to take you home because your friend left" he told her leaning on the wall, hands in his pockets.

"Okay" Jenna answered.

"For what it's worth I prefer you as my daughter in law over anyone else any day"

"Thank you?"

Daniel smiled moving away from the wall. "Let's get you home Jenna." he led her outside where his driver was waiting for them. Getting in they settled in the back seat, an awkward silence surrounding them. Jenna didn't know what to say to him. The last time they'd spoken, she had been lying on a hospital bed after donating her kidney to her mother. He'd thanked her countless times and even though she'd been doped up on pain medication, she'd seen how grateful he was. It was clear to her how much he loved his wife. She didn't need to understand why he did even after he found out she'd abandoned Jenna. All that mattered was that they overcame it and were still together. Why couldn't she and Jeremy have that?

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