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                "Fuck!" Penny cursed for the hundredth time. She had been in that house for two days and she'd found nothing. She'd looked everywhere for something, anything she could use as leverage but nothing. The guys in that house weren't like the ones at Jonathan's. These ones were serious especially when Wes was present.

She'd heard the rumors about him. He was ruthless, the kind of guy that killed first then asked the questions later. He gave her the creeps which is why she had made sure not to be in a situation where she was alone with him. She wasn't a little girl and she could take care of herself but that didn't mean she had to be stupid. Why put herself in harm's way when she didn't have to? The plan she had concocted worked better than she had hoped. But she didn't have long. Bianchi would eventually figure out she had lied about her father sending her there then God knew what he would do to her.

Currently, she was in his office rummaging through the drawers in his desk. Most of them were locked but she had her own of prying them open. It was past midnight and to avoid attention Penny hadn't turned on the lights. She was using a small penlight she held up with her mouth and boy was her jaw tired since she'd been at it for a while. As she was opening the last drawer she heard footsteps coming her way and froze. She couldn't get caught. Not it that house. But she also couldn't leave without what she went there to look for. She went to open it and curse her bad luck, it was closed.

She tried to open it with her pins as fast as she could but she knew deep down this was the end for her. She wouldn't go down without a fight but she was outnumbered. Even so, she wanted to at least know she hadn't died for anything. She couldn't have come all this way just to die for nothing. There had to be something in that last drawer which is why it was locked so tightly. Struggling with it, it finally clicked just as the door opened. She turned off her pen light but not before it shone on the contents lying in that drawer. An envelope. She had to know what was inside before she was taken to the slaughterhouse. Deciding to stay where she was, she fixed herself in the space under the desk where no doubt Bianchi fixed his legs every day. The other side was shielded so she hoped that whoever it was would leave without seeing her. She also counted on the fact that they hadn't turned on the lights too. 

"Come out. I know you're here" or not. Dammit, how did they know where she was if they hadn't even moved from the door? Were there cameras in that room? She doubted it. Just like in Jonathan's house, there was no way Bianchi was going to put cameras in his office. It was where he conducted his business and unless he wanted there to be evidence of his business meetings then she doubted the room was being monitored. It had to be bare. "Will you come out or do I have to come looking for you? I promise you it won't be pretty."

Fuck. "Okay, I'll come out. Just don't shoot" she said making a ruckus of coming out from under the desk. She used the noise she made to disguise the noise the envelope made when she took it and tucked it in between her breasts. It wasn't that big so it fit perfectly. Standing up straight, a light was shone in her face making it harder to see the person on the other end. Or maybe people. What if it wasn't just one person? Here's to hoping they didn't have a gun or there would be a gaping hole in her chest. Lifting her hands up in surrender she waited for them to approach her.

The desk was between them so she thought how she could handle this better. Running wasn't an option. So fight it was. When the other person was right in front of her, she suddenly knocked the light out of their hands making it fall to the floor so that they were both in the dark. The problem was the light had been in her face and she needed a few seconds -that she didn't have- for her sight to adjust. He jumped, she moved aside counting on her sense of touch rather than light. His hand wheezed past her face and out of reflex she took it and twisted then jumped on the desk landing on the other side.

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