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           "So are you going to tell me why everyone else is asleep and you aren't?"

"I was planning a surprise for my boyfriend"



"Since when is the boss your boyfriend?"

"Since he kissed me in front of everyone"

"I'm not stupid lady. Tell me why you were in the boss's office at this time of night when he's away on a trip?"

"That is none of your busin......" Penny gasped when Pascal slammed her against the wall curling his hand around her neck. Apparently he was done being nice.

"This is not a joke."

"Never said it was Pascal"

"Why were you snooping around because i imagine that was what you were doing"

"You have a wild imagination sweetie"

"I swear i will kill you if i have to."

"Are you sure about that?" she asked pressing a gun on his stomach. While he was busy threatening her, she was lifting his gun from where he'd tucked it. Really, how much more stupid could he get? "Get your hand off my neck. You'll get a bullet on your knee cap if it bruises"

He didn't move. Just laughed in her face. "I don't think you want to play around with my gun. It's not a toy sweetheart"

Rolling her eyes she sighed. "Yeah. You're probably right about that" at the victorious gleam in his eyes she shook her head disappointingly "How stupid do you think I am Pascal" Penny asked pressing the muzzle on his stomach while her finger was on the trigger. "If I were you I would give me some breathing space before you end up with a bullet or multiple in your stomach"

"You're outnumbered. The second you pull that trigger, you won't walk out of here alive" she had to give him points for trying. Stubborn bastard.

"Yeah about that. Did you notice how peacefully everyone is sleeping?"

"You drugged my men?"

"Nah. I just fed them. With a special kind of pizza. I'm surprised you didn't catch up on that"

"Fuck" Pascal snarled dropping his hand.

"Fuck alright. Now since you're here, I would like to nicely ask for your help"

"I'm not telling you anything you bitch!"

"Call me a bitch all you want but you will do as I say or I'll fill your stupid head with bullets" she pointed the gun at his head to show him how serious she was. Penny wasn't above killing anyone. She'd done it before. The only difference was that this time, it wouldn't be from self defense. But Christ, she was so tired. Why couldn't everything go as she planned?  All she needed was a few things then she'd be out of their hair. Was that too much to ask?

When she'd ordered the pizza, Randy had known what to do. This had been the plan from the beginning. If she ordered pizza, it would be delivered by her friend and they would make sure to put a little something extra to help the boys sleep after eating. Simple. No harm no foul. But Pascal had to come back from God knows where and ruin her plans. So far she'd found nothing of importance. Just stupid papers that were of no use to her. This idiot doubting her was the last thing she needed. This meant that her time was up in that house. You don't point a gun at the second in command and expect to leave unscathed. Tears of frustration welled up behind her eyelids. Damn this was all she had. This stupid stunt had failed and now she had to start over from square one.

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