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              "Nice to see you too Penelope" her father said wiping blood from his split lip.

Penny turned around  and walking to where Jonathan was, ran her hands all over him. Slapping them away he asked "What are you doing?"

"Looking for a gun so I can blow his brains out" realizing he didn't have one, she moved to Pasquale who took a step back. "I promise not to shoot you this time"

"Not a chance lady. You're crazy"


"I don't have one. I swear"

"Argh" she growled in frustration. "What's a girl gotta do around here to get a gun? Remind me never to leave mine at home ever again."

"You own a gun?" Lukas asked in that shrilly voice of his.

"I own a whole room of stuff your virgin eyes has never seen. Dammit. I'll just bash his head in then" she turned back to her father who was smirking that stupid evil smirk she hated all her life. Consumed with anger, she pounced only to be pulled back by a hand around her stomach. "Let me go"

"What is wrong with you Penny? Is that not your father?"

"Let's talk after I've killed that bastard. I promise to answer all your questions Jonathan just let me go"

"No. First you tell me what's going on"

Ignoring him she looked at her father "What did I say about showing your face to me?"

"Come now my dear. Let bygones be bygones" Christ. The nerve of him.

"Bygones?" she asked not believing he would say that to her face. "You think I should forget what you did?"


"Don't Penelope me" she yelled clawing at Jonathan's hand which was now in a steel grip. "You're not even sorry you bastard! You ruined my life and there's not an ounce of remorse in your old black soul."

"I did what was best for you"

"Let me go Jonathan" Penny said in a small voice. She was done talking with that devil of a man. One way or another, she was going to kill him and that would be her favor to society, possibly humanity too.

"Leave!" Jonathan rasped from behind her addressing her father. It was a command not a request. Shrugging his shoulders, Edward Lewis left. Silently Penelope vowed to herself that the next time they met, would be his last day on earth. "Are you okay?"

"Do I look okay?" she retorted prompting him to drop his hand.

"I thought calling your father to pick you up was the right thing to do but clearly I was wrong"

"Yeah. Clearly" she spun around and left the three men in the hallway staring at her back. Taking the stairs two at a time she went straight to the room she had been staying in and locked the door then slid down to the floor. Burying her face in her hands, she opened the gateways.

When she'd left home ten years ago, she never expected to see that man ever again. He had been cruel and inconsiderate, taking advantage of her because he was her father and he held all the cards. She'd done his bidding for two years before realizing he was just manipulating her and had no intention of ever letting her go. So one night she'd packed her bags and left, in the middle of the night. Back then, she'd thought doing things on her own would be easy but she had been so wrong. Ten years was a long time and she had been so ready to give up until she met Cassandra.

She had given Penny hope. Hope that was now dwindling as each day went by. Was she ever going to succeed? The thought of failing again made her cry harder. Deep down she knew crying wouldn't solve a thing but she couldn't stop. Seeing her father had only served to remind her how powerful that man was. She  was never going to win. Not like this. Edward Lewis played dirty so she had to go down to his level and play dirtier.

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