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        The restaurant was Italian with a name she couldn't pronounce but that didn't matter. Jenna's heart beat wildly in her chest threatening to jump out. This wasn't a place people came to discuss business. It was a place where lovers or couples came to have a nice intimate dinner. With dim lights and well spaced out seating arrangements, it gave you the illusion of being the only people in the restaurant. There were candles and flowers on the table. A man at the table closest to them took out a rose from the vase in the middle of the table and handed it to his partner who took it blushing sweetly. Another table ahead was a young couple who couldn't keep their hands or legs off each other.

They were escorted towards the stairs that Jenna found out led to the roof. A single table was laid out just like the rest but this one was a little bigger with covered plates seating on top. As if all that wasn't romantic enough, candles were arranged on the floor forming a circle around their table. Close enough to make it romantic but far away enough to not accidentally trip on them. Christ. Jenna wanted to see what it felt like to be on a date with Jonathan if this is what he meant by a business dinner. He pulled the chair out for her and then sat on the opposite side. Until then they hadn't spoken a word.

Jonathan had picked her up from her house where Chloe had fussed with her hair until she slapped the young girl's hands away deciding to tie it loosely to the side. Jenna had picked a green wool dress with leopard trim edges that was business like but still casual and sexy. After greeting each other, Jonathan escorted her to his car and they drove away. The silence between them hadn't been awkward but Jenna had been fidgety wondering what kind of proposal he had. He was also handsome in his suit with buttons opened at his throat. She wasn't sure if she was just anxious because of his proximity or because she felt guilty for thinking there was something more between them.

They ate in silence and Jonathan only spoke when it was time for dessert. "I have a proposal"

"So you keep saying. Let's hear it" Jenna said looking at him curiously behind her cup of coffee.

"I really want to donate to your cause. It can't be easy taking care of all those children"

"It's not. But I do the best I can. Together with a few friends, we manage"

"That's just it. With more funds you wouldn't have to manage. You could hire more people, get more houses, bigger houses so you could help more kids."

"Why are you offering?"

"Shouldn't everyone be doing so? Come on Jennifer you can't seriously tell me you don't need it"

"Bullshit Jonathan. We both know you have an agenda here. Spill it or I walk"

He looked taken aback but he cleared his throat nodding. "I'm attracted to you and I'll do anything to see you or be near you"

"Okay" Jenna said getting up. She was done with this shit show. If he wasn't going to be honest with her then there was no way she would trust him to have good intentions. The kids safety came first to her no matter what. His money would help her a lot, but she couldn't go around trusting just anyone.

"Where are you going?" Jonathan asked following her lead and getting up too.

"I'm leaving Jonathan. Don't treat me like I'm some stupid bimbo. It's clear that you're lying and you know what? I don't have to keep listening to you" she walked towards the stairs missing a candle narrowly. Jenna could hear Jonathan following her but she didn't care. She was done with him. And maybe it was for the best.

Outside she saw a middle aged woman leaving a taxi parked by the curb. Jenna flew past her getting in and slamming the door. She heard the woman say something about how rude and mannerless some people were while Jonathan was calling out to her behind the woman but the taxi was already moving. She was pissed at Jonathan. And at herself too for even entertaining him. She should have thrown away his card the moment he gave it to her. Damn it. She cursed feeling really mad. This was all Jeremiah's fault. He had moved on and she wanted to think she could too. So why hadn't she picked someone as sweet as Tristan or a French stranger who would show her a good time then leave? Because that was her problem. She always went for the complicated ones.

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