Song Prompt: Runnin', Runnin'

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SamathaSlytherin: Writing prompt. Not a song title but one of my favorite lyrics to the moment: Darling, come on and let me in. Darling, all of the strangers are gone, they're gone. I said, darling, come on and let me see. Darling, I promise that I won't run. From Camila Cabello's In the Dark. You can use any fandom you like.  


"Azaleas?" Farley curled her nose.

"Yep," Kilorn smacked the 'p' between his lips and smacked the palm of one hand on the closed fist of the other.

"What else?"

"Silver vs. gold bands."

"Let me guess, Calore wants silver?"

"Oh no, he's team 'I don't give a fuck.' Mostly it was Anabel arguing precedent with herself, but Evangeline wants gold."

"Did they say anything about a push into the Lakelands?"

"It was all bullshit. You can ask the dust mites in the air vent if you don't believe me. There were hundreds of them." He made a point to scratch behind his ears.

"This doesn't make any sense."

"It doesn't," Ada hummed disapprovingly, "Azaleas only grow in the south of Norta. They'd be hard to find around here."

Farley scoffed, but put on a kind tone to explain, "I meant that they're planning a farce of a wedding instead of pressing the advantage we just secured."

"It's not a farce. It's an alliance that makes them both or our enemies. We should have left already," Mare said. She kicked her feet against each other, bored with the analysis of Kilorn's day-long listening above the council chambers.

"Enemies is harsh." Farley cast her a sympathetic grimace and then turned back to Kilorn. "There was nothing else?"

"Grand total of: jack shit," he confirmed. "Can I go wash off the mites. I wasn't joking about the mites."

"Yeah, go, go," Farley dismissed. She closed her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose.

Cameron blocked Kilorn's exit. He rolled his eyes and turned sideways to allow her entry before taking his leave. She stepped up and pinched a bit of food off the table and cupped it in her hand as she approached.

Farley watched her. Mare watched her. Even Ada followed her movements as she looked around the room and at the maps on the tables.

"You have something to report, Cameron?" Farley asked.

"Oh, sure." Cameron absently fingered crumbs into her lips and looked out the window.

Farley waited. Mare waited. Ada prepared her pen to take notes. Farley cleared her throat and Cameron continued looking at the seal where the widow met the frame.

"Cameron, you have a report?"

"Yep," she tossed her head back and let the remainder of her vittles fall into her mouth.

"Then report," Farley sighed and moved to an open chair.

"Please," Cameron said.

"Excuse me?" Farley leaned forward.

"Report, please," Cameron made the clarification and smiled a taunting, thin smile.

"Report, Cole. Or I will put you on rations," Farley's fingers tapped the communicator on her hip.

"You'll be giving me seconds, Farley." Cameron grinned and wobbled excitedly on her toes.

"Then out with it!"

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