Part 5

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"Everybody get in!! Shane yells "bu-. "GET IN." Man Shane is a very Demanding person. I get in the car next to Morgan and Shane and I sit on Garretts lap. Because of that Andrew had been eyeing me a lot. Why is he eyeing me Like I did something wrong. Is he still mad at me for the date. Who wouldn't be. She was such an amazing girl. " Camilla!" I hear Garrett yell. I turn my head to face Garrett.
He asked what I wanted from the store. To be honest I really didn't care. I hear Andrew mutter something. But I couldn't hear. We drive to Teresa's house to drop off
off uno and Cheeto. In that time cheeto ripped up the seats and Morgan spilled coffee in the car and on my shoes. Once Morgan goes to Teresa's door and i clean the coffee that She Spilled. And I take my shoe off and throw it at her head.

"Camilla!!" Teresa greets me. It's been such a long time. She hasn't changed a bit. I walk inside to see all of Teresa's dogs and I was shookith. I look behind me to look for Shane. I see him and Andrew talking by the car. Then Andrew turns his head to look at me and gives me a tiny smile. I give him a wide smile. And Morgan gives me a smile telling me she cleaned my shoes.

We finally were done with all the chaos and it was time for us to go to the store to get some snacks. " Shane can we get totinos pizza rolls Please." I whine i hear shane groan and andrew gasp. " fine you and andrew go get your pizza rolls while me garrett ryland and morgan look in the clearance section." Shane smiles and gives andrew a weird glance then looks at me. I sigh. " alright andrew lets go get some totinos." He smiles really wide.

We get to the frozen isle. " Andrew i need you to open the door." Andrew quickly opens the freezer door and I grab 10 boxes of pizza rolls. " do we need that many." I nod several times. Andrew in return chuckles. I grab the cart and speed to the clearance section.

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