Part 11

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We walked on the stairs of the ship into the lobby we see the employees of the ship. I question why he didn't question us why we were awake at 3 a.m. Shane asked if it was okay to film his face. The man declines and told them that he didn't want his face to be shown. He Started to explain to us some of his encounters with the Paranormal. Shane as well asked if you could take us to the isolation room. The man accepted and took us back to the isolation room.

I was terrified. I didn't know what to do or what to say if I should decline I mean we're going to the isolation room when I was there before I felt I was watched. But at the same time I was excited and it was so confusing I had so much on my mind I felt like I was going to explode. " hey guys I'm not feeling so good." I start to feel light headed and nauseous. I stared to loose my balance and I feel myself falling. But not until someone puts there arm around me to keep me from falling. I turn so see that Garrett had kept me from falling. I get back up the feeling slowly going away.

I get are you okays from all around the room. I explain how I felt like something came over me. Which was a lie. I had to so I didn't have to play the " theres a lot on my mind" card again. I tried to make it seem like a ghost came over which didn't happen. I started to fidget with my hands because I was lying. I felt bad because so was making up such a dumb story. But I couldn't tell them how I felt. I probably already worried them enough. I don't want to worry them again. Especially Garrett. He's done so much and I don't want him to feel like it was for nothing.

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