Part 10

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Shane set an alarm for 3 in the morning so we could all wake up and start looking around for ghosts. I slept on the bed next to Shane Ryland and Morgan while Garrett and Andrew slept in the living room.I Didn't like sleeping alone on the bed but I had no other choice. There was no space for for me where Shane was and I didn't feel comfortable sleeping next to Andrew or Garrett. So I had no choice but to sleep alone. I didn't sleep very well I had some nightmares but I woke up from them but once I woke up I didn't go back to bed. I kinda just sat there thinking what was going to happen.

It was about 2:49 in the morning almost 3. I walked around the room for a little. I bump into Garrett. drinking whiskey and holding Benjamin. my Garrett how far he's come to be sitting on the floor of a haunted ship holding a fake baby and a bottle of whiskey. I giggle out loud and sit next to him. " what are you doing." I ask. " I haven't even sleep I've been hearing things that rattled." I laugh. I look over seeing Andrew sleeping on the couch next to Garrett. He looked so cute. I look back to Garrett who raises an eyebrow at me suggesting something. I scoff at the action. After a little while of talking and and joking around. Shane walks in seeing the iconic. Garrett Watts with whiskey and a fake baby. Andrew started to stir in his sleep. He was even cuter. " mornting." Shane tells Andrew. Everybody gets up and get ready for the scary night.

We start to walk out of our hotel room I see Andrew getting really close to me like he was going to say something. "When we're done here I need you to meet me outside on ship." Andrew explains. I just nod. Confused and excited. I thought what is he going to do is he going to kill me is he going to yell at me. maybe I'm just over exaggerating but all the possibilities came into my head and not one was good. But my mind is focused things like my going to get haunted I'm going to get possessed by demons probably

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