Part 25

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Why why now. Why was he here. The day was getting so much better oh god. He'll see me. " hey guys I'll be right back." Everyone nodded and went back to there conversation. Except Andrew. Instead he mouthed to me and asked I was okay. I just nodded and went straight to the bathroom. I looked back to see if Andrew was looking at me instead he noticed that Josh was here.

I was finally away from him. Until my phone started to ring.

Incoming call from andrew💘🎥

I sigh and accept the call reluctantly. " hey what's up." He probably called me about Josh. "Why the hell is He here." He replies angerly. I sigh sadly and tell him that I had no idea why he was here. Andrew goes on to say that he had already noticed I was here. Well shit my covers blown. Andrew told me that he was going to tell everyone about Josh just not the whole abusing thing he was gonna make up scenario that I didn't wanna see him cause he cheated and stuff. And from that we we'll leave. I agreed with Andrews plan and hung up. I sighed and left the bathroom.

Once I left I tried quickly to get to my seat and avoid him but instead I came face to face with Josh.

"Oh my God Camilla it's been such a long time." He stared to create a conversation with me. While talking he put both of his hands on my shoulders. I started to feel very uncomfortable. " yeah it has been awhile." Josh goes on to say that maybe him and I should hang out sometime and as well asking for my number. Completely ignoring the past. " I think she's okay." I feel joshes hands being pulled off of me. I look behind me to see andrew with a very serious and angerd face. My hero. "And who might you be." Josh crosses his arms in annoyance. Andrew smirks and puts his hand on my back.

"Her boyfriend." Andrew replies.

I look at andrew with a bright red face and just happily agree. "Oh well I think Camilla Can speak for herself." Josh hands me a tiny piece of paper and walks away. I look at andrew in awe. I mouth thank you. As we both walk to Shanes car where the rest are all at.

I've never been so happy. In my life

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