Part 24

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We finally arive at Shanes house as we walk up to Shanes door and it opens without us knocking Shane looks at me with sorrowful eyes. He instantly hugs me and comforts me. I was happy that he did but my feelings for the situation still stayed the same. We walked inside Shane's house and I see Morgan and and Ryland they all look at me I'm sorry. I felt a little uncomfortable cuz I hate when people are sorry for me. It makes me feel just a little bit more worthless than I already am. I wish I never confronted her maybe she would have went a little easier on me. There's so many comments on her post I just agree with her. Including Josh.

Shane offers me some chipotle but instantly decline explaining to boo that I already ate. "You know what we need to go somewhere like let's all go to Starbucks and be white." That was very offensive but yeah. I agree with Shane and
We get in Rylands new G. Which I was pretty excited to be in. I sit next to Andrew and Morgan. I try to cuddle up to Andrew to see if he would move away at all. But he didn't. But once I did that Morgan started eyeballing me. Like she was upset that I did it. I didn't understand why it's not like she was somewhat jealous or something. But I highly doubt it. I don't even think she likes him like that or maybe she does to be honest I don't care. Well I do but if you really want some she can have them I don't think I deserve him. He doesn't deserve a slut.

We arrive at Starbucks we all get what we want. I get my usual caramel macchiato medium iced. We were all happy spending time with each other laughing together. I tried to start a conversation with Morgan but she ignored me I wonder if it was because what happened in the car. So I stayed in my own mind. Until he walked in


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