Part 29

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I start to tremble reading the note.


I knew it. I fucking knew it. It him. It Josh. He knows where I an where I sleep. Who knows what's next. I suddenly feel very ill. I feel like I'm gonna throw up. I walk away from the group and quickly run to the bathroom.

I feel all the anxiety come out of my mouth. And my Vision getting blurry. I hear multiple voices call my name. But But my mind tuned them out all I could focus on was that appalling photo. I almost remember his words in that photo. He told me he loved me then left for a week. No call no text. I don't even remember who took the picture. Why they did it. I slowly close my eyes falling back into a pair of arms.

I can almost sense the fear In me. His terrifying voice and his loathsome eyes. It was the scaries beauty i had ever met. I wish I never met him. But now he's coming to get me. Take me away from the best life I had without him. How can someone be so handsome but be so malicious. So evil to me. What did I ever do. This has to be my fault. If I had never came to L.A. I would've never met him and I would be never put Shane and every one else in danger. This is all my fault.

I open my eyes to a pair of chocolate brown eyes. The eyes to the love of my life. God I could never get tired of them.
Andrew asks if I'm okay I nod in response. I look around the room to see where I was. I was at the hospital. They really brought me to the hospital. I'm surprised. I look back at andrew just to come my nerves. He gives me his delightful smile. The way he looked at me. Such love in his eyes so much care. But so much fear.

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