Chapter 15

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A/N I know i said it was gonna be my last update but surprisingly i studied my history,geography,maths and science very well so i got some time to update.😛😛

Aspen's pov
She ran after she kissed me. I didnt see it coming. I ran my hands through my hair. Dawn was already breaking .i sneaked out to the back obviously wearing the northern star on my shirt. After two hours of intensive exercise and fighting I went back to the castle. I took a shower and saw Daphne sitting on my bed.
"Oh..." i mumbled towelling my hair.
I sat beside her smiling a bit.
"I am sorry. It was stupid."she said playing with the bedsheet twisting it.
So the kiss was stupid and it didnt mean anything. I looked away dejected. She took my hand in hers staring into my eyes.
"No not the kiss Aspen.The part where i ran away."She said putting her hand on my cheek. I chuckled and then again sighing.
"I am sorry Daphne but i .....i cant get over her.". I turned my face away trying to hide those tears. No matter what I cant get over . I missed her touch ,her vanilla scent,her comments about me having no clothes.
"Let me tell you something. Do you know before the selection started ,I confessed Maxon that i loved him. He rejected me ,right on my face and believe me i was so heartbroken ......."She said tears rolling down her cheeks.
"What.....?"I whispered.Maxon broke her heart.
"We are on the same page."i commented holding her hand tightly.
"We both love someone whom we can never have and they are too far away from us but....."Her voice broke. She pointed at her heart and then mine.
"- too near our heart to love them."She completed the sentence .i leaned my forehead against her as our tears mingled together.
"We both have faced trials and heartbreak more than anybody else and that gives me one more reason to fall for you because we are similar in more ways you could ever imagine. We both are pining over people whom we cant have and we both have our darkest and deepest secrets tucked away in the corner of our heart. I know its hard for you too get over someone you love so much but dont give up. I am there for you." She continued crawling in my lap and hugging me hard. Her words knocked the breathe out of me. She made me feel wanted and special,like i mattered.
"I am sorry if i cant love the way you deserve to be but i will try my best Daphne." I said crying.
"I love you the way you are. I have patience and its time to put it into good use."She said smiling a little. I smiled and kissed her softly. Butterflies coursed through my stomach.

Maxons pov
I kissed America my heart filling with love again. Its like i love her a thousand times more since the selection.loosing her made me feel how much we need to be put together.
"Morning my dear."i whispered in her ear.
She chuckled and i smiled.
She turned to face me her ocean eyes full of hope and love.i kissed her chin and her neck. She giggled tilting her face.
"I wanna stay like this forever,in your arms,let the world go to hell,i dont give a damn as long as i have you my dear." I mumbled pulling her closer .
"Ughh....Maxon you suck at romantic lines,i liked the words which you said at the halloween dance in the Selection." She replied a hint of playfulness in her eyes.
"Well then i will come back to you after copying  the lines from the net."I said mocking fake hurt.
She kissed my lips and i fell back into her. I wished whatever i said was real.  It would be peaceful and happy.
America went to take a bath and then I did too. She went back into the Princess suite to get ready and when she came out ,she looked breathtaking as always. Her snug blue dress worked wonders for her curves and God she looked beautiful. A guard whispered something about the documents as I left for the office.

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