Chapter 16

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So today was my English paper and it was pretty good. You guys are the ones who keep me motivated coz I want to write. So thank you. This us a bonus for y'all.😉😘

Americas pov

I walked down the corridors when I heard Aspen's talking on his phone.
"Hey is the fight going......" he said smiling a bit. I peeked from the side of the passage. Fight. I didnt understand.
"What? Woah. So you are saying that our underground fighting club has been sold to a Two." He said shockingly. Well i was shocked too. Underground fighting club.
"Oh my god. That's great news. He is raising our pay. That's amazing." He said happily raising his fists.
"Okay.....I'll be back in a few days. Sent the last money to my family. Thanks Miles." He said disconnecting the line.
Then it struck me,all those wounds and scars was not because he fell down in the office it was because he was a fighter at that fighting club of his. I put my hand on my forehead. How could i have been so oblivious.
His phone again started ringing.
"Hey Ma!" He said. It was a video call.
"Hey!you are greeting me with a 'hey'" She said sarcastically.
"What's wrong Ma." He said wrinkling his brow.
"You tell me. Why didn't you tell me that you and America divorced. Do you know how painful it is to watch it on T.V." She shrieked.
"Oh it was just that......that i didn't. ..want you to get hurt....Ma I love you" He said now on the verge of tears.
"You know what Aspen that i want to hug you and slap you at the same time." Mrs Leger said her voice thick with tears. Aspen smiled tears rolling down his cheeks.
"Don't. You. Dare. Cry Aspen Leger." She said sternly.
He disconnected the line crying hard on his pillow.
"Aspen?Are you okay." I asked rushing over to him. No he is not wasting another drop of tear on me.
"Yes your Majesty" he replied wiping his cheeks.
"Don't call me that Aspen. Please stop it." I said softly.
"Then what am I supposed to call you huh. That's what you are. That's who you are now." He replied looking away. His green irises had lost its sheen and we're just dark and a like a void of emptiness.
" are supposed to call me that." I said looking straight at him pushing as much certainty in my eyes as i could.
" You had the opportunity to let me call you that but you left it when you left me." He replied sadly.
"No we can still be friends Aspen. You have to let it go. Find yourself a good wife." I said trying to console him
" Oh you think this is easy. Seeing your most prized possession which someone else. How did you feel when he kissed some other girl in the selection. You ripped my family away. One of my daughter has to live without her father and Hope....Hope is so young. Do you know how much I love them." He said everything in one breathe leaning his forehead against the wall. He punched the wall several time with his fists. Tears fell down my cheeks.
"I am sorry I broke your heart.....but believe me i will make it right.....i will fix your heart Aspen." I said looking at his swollen knuckles which were already dripping blood. He let out a humourless laugh.
"Its beyond repair. ......and i dont think anybody can repair it ever again." He said walking away.
"Aspen wait....stop....please." I screamed slumping down the doorframe. I was a horrible person. I ruined more lives than a person could ever imagine. I walked back to my room. Maxon was waiting for me.
"What's wrong darling." He asked sweetly."Everything Maxon. Aspen .....he ......i feel terrible .....i ruined his life Maxon...i ruined his life." I said crying on his chest. He comforted me and i felt safe. Maxon was my true love and he is the one . I knew it before and he has prove it right.

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