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Seulgi didn't want to be rude and leave Lucas, so she kept skating along side him and talking to him, she saw the girls in front of her skating and trying to hold on to each other as they would turn to be backwards, she wanted to do that

"Lucas can you make sure I don't fall when I turn, I want to backwards skate"

"Sure, I got you"

Seulgi spun around and was now facing Lucas, she grabbed his hands and started smiling as she realized she was doing it, she was having a lot of fun

And Lucas, Lucas was happy to witness that beautiful smile in front of him, he thought the world stopped that smile was so beautiful

"Hey, just asking but, do you like anyone?"

"Yeah, uhhh wanna know?"


He knew it wouldn't be his name coming out the mouth of this beautiful girl he just met but he smiled along and just skated

'Seulgi, I'll remember that'


Taeyong kept looking at the photo, Wendy had sent the photo of them skating and his blood was boiling, trying to tell himself it was only him who she liked, or what if she liked him now?

He was being doubtful

'I'll go check it out myself'

Grabbing his keys from the small bowl at the entrance of the house, he left in the black car with skates, wasn't going to be the first time he's gone skating


Seulgi had gone to talk to the girls and they understood skating alongside, Seulgi was still skating with Lucas and talking, she told him how she liked the mayor's son, and how he's supposed to marry someone

He laughed at how cliche it was

"You know, that's such a cliche"

"I know, I really didn't think it'd happen to me, but look, it's happening"

"Well I'm sure it'll all end well"

"Yea- oh my"


Lucas turned around to see what she saw, he looked back to see Taeyong heading in with some of his friends, he knew it was him, Taeyong was quite famous

"Well, if it ain't the mayor's son"

"Lucas, just skate with me, I wanna have fun and not worry"

"Whatever you want"

Lucas was really starting to like her, he chuckled to himself at the fact he agreed so fast

"Let's go"

And they headed off onto the rink, Lucas watched as she tried her tricks and gently laughed at the girl, what a catch he thought, what a catch

And he watched as Taeyong slowly came his way and how he went up to her, how she got flustered and messed up her steps, how she fell more and how he had now been long put aside

'Whatever, it's not like it was love'

And that is how Lucas had his first 'Heartbreak'
Over the girl that likes the mayor's son

Seulgi, he'll remember that
And Taeyong he'll remember that


This isn't the last time Lucas shows up, because I love him so I want him to keep coming up


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