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They entered the practice room, the floors were wooden and there were mirrors on the wall, there was also a makeshift bar for ballet dancers when they practiced

"You do ballet?"

"It was the first style I ever fell in love with"

Taeyong was intrigued, Seulgi already danced beautifully and now knowing the fact she did ballet, he wondered how much more beautiful could it get?

"Show me"

So Seulgi did, getting a song on her phone, she started Dancing, Taeyong watched her every move, the every curve and shape she made with her body, the beautiful leaps and spins she did, he watched with amazement

She was so beautiful in that room and dancing to that song and dancing in that style of dance

"Where did you learn to dance like this?"

"My grandmother, she had a younger friend, I'd leave my house to get away since I was young, and dancing was what they taught me, they made it my getaway"

"Remember what my father said"

"Yes, it's implanted into my very skull"

"It wasn't true"

"At all"


Seulgi was now walking Taeyong home, she was a little sad it was time for them to part, but she knew she couldn't be seen by his father, or she might not get kicked out the house, but the city

"I think this is where we part"

"Sadly my dear"

"My dear?"

"Well lovers have names for there lover, and we are now lovers"


"Yes, I said so before didn't I?"

"I didn't think you were serious"

"Well, I don't want a marriage, and you don't either since you like me"

"So why not make it happen for the both of us?"



A sister snapped

Pretty soon I'll be able to read hiragana, no promise if I can understand what is being said, but I'll be able to read it


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