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Taeyong was over the moon over the events of yesterday, he was so in love with Seulgi he just couldn't imagine himself with anyone

He Defied his father,
Left a lavish life,
And defied a engagement,

He'd do anything for her.
He watched her sleeping next to him bed and warmly smiled at the scene before him, this was the life.


Taeyong had gotten up now and was in the kitchen of where they were staying, he decided to make some food.

He had put on an apron provided by the lodging place and decided to make a easy old fashioned Japanese breakfast.

He was almost done cooking when he felt arms wrap around his waist, he knew it was Seulgi and automatically asked

"What do you wanna do today?"

"Anything, as long as it's just you and me"

He smiled at the response and decided right there,

"This whole day, will be our special date"

And he watched as Seulgi nodded her head up and down vigorously and with a loud yes showing her excitement for today's future events.

Taeyong finished breakfast and served it for both of them, after only 30 minutes they had finished and were now getting ready for their date.

Taeyong finished breakfast and served it for both of them, after only 30 minutes they had finished and were now getting ready for their date

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They walked out the hotel and headed to Harajuku for the clothes shop, Seulgi agreed on two hours there so Taeyong and her wouldn't go broke right away

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They walked out the hotel and headed to Harajuku for the clothes shop, Seulgi agreed on two hours there so Taeyong and her wouldn't go broke right away.

Seulgi walked into a nice vintage store that tailored clothes to different styles, she walked around also looking for Taeyong and not just herself, she kept looking till she found a cool shirt, she handed to Taeyong and kept looking around for some pants to match, she grabbed a pair and threw it at Taeyong telling him to go try it on.

She waited outside waiting for him to come out

She waited outside waiting for him to come out

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He came out and Seulgi gasped

"Stay in it, I'm buying it!"

"No nooo, you buy something"

"I am, this outfit you look ravishing in"

She payed for the outfit and headed out with linked arms with Taeyong, they continued walking when they entered another jewelry/clothes store and entered.

They looked around and Seulgi found a dress, she went to the jewelry display cases and saw a unique ring.

"Taeyong isn't it pretty?"


"If we ever get married I want a ring like that"

"Write notes"

Taeyong laughed as she walked around more looking at their stuff, secretly he went to the front desk and asked

"How much is the ring?"


"I'm taking it"


Yeehaw glad I could update, my major project is over now


Update: THIS HAS 800 views WOKENSNDNEJJEJENFN, I've never :,)
thank you so so so so much everyone who reads this, y'all have no idea how much this means to me!!!
Thanks again
Love y'all

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