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Seulgi was excited for the trip they'd be going on soon, but before that, she wanted to visit this cafe Taeyong talked about working at

Seulgi was going around town to find the famous cafe of the city, driving around she finally found a cafe full of girls

Without being noticed she had entered the cafe silently watching Taeyong work

"Hello ma'am, what may I get you?"

"Your number"

"Uhh, I'm sorry, but-"

"As a waiter you should be getting me what I need"

Seulgi was about to attack but later she saw another short person come up from behind

"Ma'am, you can leave and never come back, or be served your actual order without getting this mans number who didn't want to give it to you in the first place"

'Said like a true man'

She saw Taeyong go to the back with the man, so Seulgi just waited to get her order taken by someone else

"Hello May I take your ord-"


Seulgi looked up from the menu to see Lucas

"What a pleasant surprise!"

"You might know why I'm here, but since your taking my order, make it a jasmine tea, please"

"Of course madam"

Lucas took the order going to the back notifying the workers of the special guest


Taeyong was now sitting in the table booth alongside Ten, being interviewed by Seulgi

"So why did you hire my boyfriend?"

"He's good looking"

"Very true, but is that all?"

Taeyong smiled at that remark, but silently waited for another answer

"Honestly no, but now seeing him work, he's totally worth it"

"I see, well take care of him, or you'll be dealing with me, and calm down those girls, they should know someone like my Yongie would be taken"

"Yes ma'am, and may I ask, why do you not care your boyfriend works in a cafe"

"Well if I had dated him for money, I sure wouldn't be here right now, but I allow it because I want to support him so he can do what he loves as well"

"Said like a true woman"


Sorry for the late update, been behind in school and have been catching up


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