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Seulgi liked the cafe where Taeyong worked, even though many teenage girls and women would be attracted to him and try to "seduce" him she knew he was wrapped around her finger for good

Seulgi was excited because tomorrow was their trip finally, Taeyong and Seulgi needed to pack so tonight they were going to do that

Seulgi waited for Taeyong at home bored lying on the sofa, she was going through random thoughts in her head

'Does Taeyong know Japanese?'

'Why Japan?'

'I only know konnichiwa'


'Pretty fluent, we'll be good'

'Wonder if they have cool clubs?'

'I need to practice my dancing'

Seulgi sat up thinking about what would help her dance

"Random playlist it is!"

Seulgi turned on the speakers and her music blasted through, catching a rhythm she started moving

Not hearing anyone, she suddenly felt a arm rap around her waist, like in the club the first few times, she knew it was Taeyong

"What's the special occasion that I see a goddess dance before me?"

"I have to be the best dancer in the clubs at Japan"

"I'm sure you already are"

Seulgi now felt it all coming back, her sense and reason to dance, with Taeyong here she felt as if anything was possible in her dance

"I never asked Yongie, but where did you learn to dance?"

"That's a secret, but Seulgi where did you?"

"That's a secret as well"


Exhausted, Seulgi was taking a small nap while Taeyong packed and prepared her for the trip tomorrow, he looked back at Seulgi on the bed in a small ball drooling on the side of her mouth

Not the most attractive thing, but surely cute

Taeyong was done packing and was bored, he was now wondering the house and went into the empty room Seulgi had as an office

He went inside looking at some photos on the wall, he saw a couple of boxes and one labeled scrapbooks was inside

He looked inside with the intent of finding baby Seulgi photos to keep

But instead he found a huge book, looking through was photos of Seulgi in highschool, she looked almost the same, she had short hair, halfway through it was photos of her with friends as well, a big group, almost the same each time, two girls and another two guys, he kept searching through and found some of her and just one of the boys from the group, taking out one photo where they held hands he read the back

'First date before he leaves to Japan, happy and sad!'

Taeyong surely hoped that god wouldn't have any fate planned for the man to meet Seulgi now


Someone had left a comment to make my story long and update more, I'm really gonna try, almost everyday, and please enjoy the story!

Thank you for the support, it may be deemed as only a little, but it's a lot to me!


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