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"Now this isn't no playing with feelings, once you ask there's no going back, if you fall deep in love with me, there's no falling out, no matter what"

"And I'm fully prepared to fall in love with everything about you, so date me?"

"Well then"

"Guess your now my boyfriend"


Seulgi was now heading to Taeyong's house to eat with him, and his father, she was really coming back after what had happened

'Am I nuts?'


Seulgi shook her head vigorously and started heading in with strong steps

She knocked on the door for it to open to Taeyong, she shyly smiled and stepped in receiving a quick peck on the cheek, making her checks turn a light shade of red

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She knocked on the door for it to open to Taeyong, she shyly smiled and stepped in receiving a quick peck on the cheek, making her checks turn a light shade of red

She gave a look to Taeyong once she realized she was inside the mayors house, Taeyong's the son so this is all his, this whole city is basically his

'I'm nuts'

"Now now, don't worry, I'll be there this time and will have your back"

"Well you should've last time as well, but what can you do"


"Just hurry up, I want to get this over with and then go to the club later"

"And I'll be joining"

Seulgi mumbled under her breathe a small remark

"If you survive"

With Taeyong beside her she now went to the dining room

"Hello, Mr. Lee"

"Ms. Kang"

"Well Mr. Lee, look at the bastard, now dating your son"

"I've heard"

"and now, the city should know"


not lying, so my dad has a tumor which is cancerous, hopefully it's not cancer, but in two days he's having a surgery so I may not update all the days being ill be busy with taking care of him and being at the hospital and school, I'll miss one day of school, so I'll catch up most of the week and do other work



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