chapter 1: curiosity

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 I woke this morning to the sound of my parents fussing, like always...                                                                 in this house you don't even need an alarm clock. my parents are the alarm.                                      well today is the first day of  10th grade and I'm so ready to see my friends and maybe meet new ones.  in school I'm one of the less popular but still popular kids. i don't have many friends because they would  be fake and pretend to be cool with me. my only real friends are lissa, Elizabeth, jaebum, Jackson, and jessi... they are my friends because they are not fake and we enjoy each others company. 

so I'm getting ready for school and while i was brushing my hair, my sister hailey burst into the door.  which startled me and made me drop the hot brush on my toe.... and oh my fucking god did that hurt. its a good thing that it dropped on the ok side, therefore i didn't get burned. she started to laugh and that was the last straw... i quickly ran to her and flipped her so that she was on the floor. i pinned her down... just as i was about to pull her hair, our mom walked in looking more pissed than usual.

mom: get your mean ass of off her, you brat! AND WHY IS YOUR HAIR NOT DONE YOU HAVE SCHOOL?!

I tried to tell her what happened but all she did was cut me off every single time, and say "no buts". i swear that little twit gets away with everything. nothing i say goes to count. actually i never even get to say it in the first place. so yea..., for me that's life. oh well ill live, is what i tell myself... but in reality, something needs to chance. but anyways i should get my hair ready, and fast.

ok so fast forwards and my hair and clothes are done. I'm fully ready to go to school. the thing is my mom already left me because she doesn't give a shit about my well being what so ever. but that's just fine, wanna know why?... BECAUSE I CAN TAKE CARE OF MYSEIF!!!

so i called my friend lissa and asked her if she was at school yet, turns out she also late. her and i live quite close to each other so, she'll walk to me and we walk to school from there.  as I'm waiting for lissa, i look at the house that's  just  a couple of houses away from mines. and in the big window at the top i see a boy standing there... just staring at the sky like he doesn't see it often or something. the way his head is pointed, make his eyes glow in the light. wow his looks resemble a angle without wings. he is quite the handsome one.  a little short but in a weirdly good way. as i was to busy staring at him and his beauty, lissa finally shows up to go to school.

what are you staring at? lissa asked,  and of course i had t answer truthfully, being that she is one of my best friends...  that boy in that window right there, i pointed to him. 

wow, look at his eyes... lissa said.        

  I-I know, they make you want to not ever look away... like... like they trap you for eternity and you look again knowing you wont come out. and the feeling when you look away its.. it hurts to look away. I wonder if he goes to school? and if he does what school?... speaking of school.... LISSA WE ARE GOING TO BE SO FUCKING LATE IF WE DONT HURRY!

 authors pov                                                                   

as harper began to drag lissa along to school, the boy in the window watched there every move he looked at harper noticing him earlier from the corner of his eyes, the way he looked at the sky is the same way she looked at him... with admiration, wonder, like you have questions to ask... but he wonders what did she have to ask?, what did she admire of him, what does she wonder about him and why? what was so great about him... well let me tell you what's so great... the fact that he's been though so much and for what? why did his life have to be the way it is ?... that's what he ask the sky every seven days when he gets the chance to look out there .  but it seems the sky never has the answer to his question.. he doesn't ask much... there's not much to ask. he just uses his time wisely.    


great the bell has rung and now we are late all because you want to be creepy and stare at some boy in a huge window, and just for me to get to looking at him to... thanks a lot harp... lissa said. well just like you said you were looking as well asshat! harper made a comeback. * breaks forth wall * (THAT WASENT VERY GOOD)

lissa go back or else what... * turns to forth wall*  sorry guys lets get back to the story

anyhow.. lets get to class, harper says...


JAEBUM!!!, JACKSON!!!, JESSIE?  where's jess guys its the first day for gods sake... harper asked in a worried tone.

she's in the detention room for lunch carried on from last year, jackson remined her..

oh yea... what did she do again?? .... don't you remember she-


find out in the next chapter what jessie did.... until next time your author.. MYKAH


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