Chapter 4: News

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(Couldn't find artist either, I am beginning to think there is a flaw in how I look for artists since I have found a few only.)

(A/N: Lately I've been working on the chapters every day, so I have gotten 4 chapters done since I started it a few days ago. I've been digging it I guess.)

~Chapter 4: News ~

>Bakugou's PoV<

"Today seems rather calm, wonder what if the villains finally gave up," Kirishima said, walking behind me, somehow always finding some fucking way to follow me, even when I tell him and Sparky to go their own way.

"Too bad Kiri couldn't come, he would have taken advantage of all the calmness," Kirishima continued, who knows why I wasn't going to answer his random filler comments.

Suddenly, I hear a ringer, prematurely going on high alert, only to find Kirishima apologize- shitty hair forgot to put his fucking phone on silent during the patrol.

"Ah speak of the devil!"

This shit is way too fucking giddy all the time.

"Kiri! How's the cold treatin' ya!"

He was in his own world for a while, catching up with ol' Sparky like he hadn't just seen him earlier today when we went to get him.

"What! Todoroki likes one of us! And he said it to the entire world!" He was nodding, impressed, I wouldn't know how to feel, that half and half jerk is capable of many things.

"He is manly as hell- hold up let me tell Bakubro!"

I rolled my eyes, no fucking surprise that he was gonna show me, "Look look, Kiri has some news!"

"The fuck you want Sparky."

"Dude, you won't believe it, Todoroki said he likes someone from UA to someone, and it is all over the hero forums!"

Isn't that just invasion of privacy?

"I was wondering, it could be one of us! He is close enough to us, but not bros like he is with Iida and Midoriya, he said it was a guy too," he yelled, way too excited, "My bet's on Kiri, anyone would be gay for him."

"Shut the fuck up Sparky, do you know from experience," I retorted, but now I was wondering who it could be, it couldn't be me, right?

"Yeah dude, who wouldn't! Kiri is such a babe," he was obviously playing around, but I was too busy thinking, Todoroki and I have had moments, like last week- but why the fuck would he like me?

That time the villain stuck us together... his face was so fucking close, breathing on me and shit- what a fucking pretty boy- he even fucking grabbed my waist with those crazy hands of his-

"Bakubro? You good?"


Kirishima had already hung up, I didn't notice, but now Kirishima had his hand on my forehead and my body felt hot, numb almost.

"What the fuck Shitty Hair!"

I slapped his hand off of me, looking around, "There must be some fucker with a quirk around here- it's fucking hot-"

Kiri just fucking stared at me, not fucking looking around like I told him to- then the smug shit started smiling and nodding.

"What the fuck are you-"

"Bakugou, have you ever liked someone?"

What the fuck? Where did that come from?

"No need to Shitty Hair."

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