Chapter 6: Annoyed

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(Please, if you know this artist let me know so I can credit them :'( I can never find them.)

(When I write, I get really into character, so I was scowling most of the time I was writing this. I am a lot more like Todoroki, and I actually would like Bakugou irl because he falls under my type, idk I also just like the feeling of someone touch unraveling under me- but that may just be my kinky side speaking- I'll save that for a time when the chapter is actually related to it- and if you guys are even interested.)

~Chapter 6: Annoyed ~

>Bakugou's PoV<

"Thanks for getting here so early! My babies were getting impatient!"

Shitty eyes is too fucking happy- fucking annoying.

"Ah, Hatsume, from the Support Class, good to see you again."

So he remembers her.

"Great on my behalf to Todoroki and Bakugou -kun!" She exclaimed, obnoxiously loud.

"I have the suit bases, but you guys need to inform me of what you want your artificial quirk to be, I have a list of some things I can do."

I took it first, skimming through it, before handing it off to Todoroki, "Strength."

I'm already good at combat, it'd just be focusing on it and not using explosions.

"Okay Bakugou, I am going to keep a cooler in your suit so you don't sweat and accidentally start exploding stuff, I'll add a strength booster too."

Todoroki seemed to still be thinking, his defined jaw resting on his hand, his fingers were surprisingly long- maybe I hadn't seen him a long time-


I breathed, yet this time I was conscious of what the air felt like entering my lungs, and my chest seemed to swell, and my throat went tight.

Maybe it was because I was watching him as his mouth moved, I never paid that much attention to him, it was weird.

"Good idea! Since you already can create a fog with your cold breath, it would be a good idea!" She seems too happy, smiling at him and all, "I don't have a way to prevent the other half, though, sorry."

"I already know how to do that."

She nodded, brushing it off, way too easily for my taste, this was obviously because he hated his dad, she didn't even fucking care- the bitch.

I cleared my throat, leaning against one of the work tables- why the fuck was it going backward-


Why is my throat clenching- I can't move-

Todoroki managed to catch me before I fell, now he was too close for comfort.

His face was too close.

Too close.

His lips-


I pushed him away, more clumsy than wanted, "I could have saved myself from falling fucker! Don't waste your dumb charity on me!"

"You seem out of it Bakugou, are you okay?"

It's Katsuki.

"What the fuck! Of course I am!"

Why the fuck am I thinking that- my name is for no one other than myself! Why is it so hot all of a sudden-! Fucking Todoroki- he must have used his hot side!

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