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First off, let me give yall a quickie translation of the mini doujin: (commas indicate different little bubbles)

First pannel:
Todoroki: I'm telling you,
Second pannel:
Todoroki: don't, run away *drinking*
Bakugou: *dragging* (probably meant resisting)
Third pannel:
Todoroki: Ah (or 'Oh')
Fourth pannel:
Todoroki: I went too far *I went to far* (idk it repeats in his head)
Bakugou: *trembling* Die

Ta-da! I know spanish, so I can read the doujins in English or Spanish 😁

So I came here to ask if yall would be interested in this project (also TodoBaku), I'll insert the prologue below:

>Todoroki PoV<

For one to become a true and fair leader, they first must face that they can’t do it alone.

“What are you thinking Todoroki-san?”

The sliding door soon shut behind the person, leading me to lay down the brush I held in my hand beside the paper with a slowly growing list.

“Writing down our recruits thus far. We have 10 people including us,” I said, speaking clear an pronounced, as was expected of a future king.

“We should look for more, we must be able to find commanders that can lead and teach a new army and protect the people.”

“Of course, Midoriya,” I say, closing my eyes, “One recruit, the man who specializes in tai chi, told me about an independent vigilante group, apparently the leader is extremely talented and strong.”

“We should go recruit him,” Midoriya was always overly enthusiastic, despite there always being multiple things one must surpass before entering the belly of the beast.

“He is difficult, from what I hear, he is not too big of a fan of authority, so the recruit Kirishima has sent a recommendation to him about me, claiming that I am a commoner with a traumatic past, wanting to see only the best for my country.”

“But isn’t that true?”

I hummed, “The job is made easier that way, but I plan to get close to him, explain my plan, and hopefully by then I am able to add him into our list of commanders.”

“But why all this trouble for one person, what is so special?”

I opened my eyes, shocking him as I began to pick up the brush once more, writing the man’s name in large, bold letters, “Many things make him vital, but most notably,” I said, staring at Midoriya intently, “He is a dragon king.”

Bakugou Katsuki.

Yell me if you think it is a good idea, I want to do it when I finish this one. There may be some editing from now to when I upload it, so look forward to it.

Also, the reason Todoroki was so educated on sex positions an fucking thighs last chapter was bc he looked it up after the guy at the bar hit on him. His dreams have been wilder in result 😁

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